关键词 :薄板坯;连铸连轧;工艺设计;车间布置
Design Description Annualproduction of 2.6 million tons of thin slab continuous castingand rolling workshop process design
Abstract:This design introduces the development situation and future prospect about the thin slab continuous casting and rolling technology of steel industry. At the same time, it proposes systemic comparison and analysis for several typical thin slab continuous casting and rolling technology and selects FTSR process line as the main body of the design. This paper also focus on the instructions about the design process of the production workshop of FTSR thin slab continuous casting and rolling, including the choice of equipments, process parameters, the layout of production workshop, the valuation and other key issues. 16MnL is selected as a typical kind of steel. The main production thickness is 1.0 ~ 12.7 mm, width is 850 ~ 1680 mm. At last, it also works out a series of strength check of the designed equipments and makes reasonable distribution of the overall layout of the workshop equipments.
Key Words:Thin slab,Continuous casting and rolling,Process design,Workshop layout
1 绪论 1
1.1 薄板连铸连轧的发展 1
1.1.1 连铸连轧第一代技术 1
1.1.2 连铸连轧第二代技术 2
1.1.3 连铸连轧第三代技术 2
2 产品方案的制定 5
2.1产品大纲的确定 5
2.1.1产品大纲的确定原则及方法 5
2.1.2 产品方案的制定 5
2.2 产品的技术要求 5
3 生产方案的确定 7
3.1 CSP 工艺特点 7
3.1.1 工艺流程 7
3.1.2 工艺的主要特点 7
3.2 ISP工艺特点 8
3.2.1 工艺流程 8
3.2.2 ISP与CSP的主要区别 9
3.3 FTSR工艺特点 9
3.3.1工艺流程 9
3.3.2工艺的特点 9
3.3.3 生产线特点 10
3.4 CONROLL工艺 11
3.4.1 工艺流程 11
3.4.2 CONROLL工艺的特点 12
4主要生产设备的选择 13
4.1 坯料的选择 13
4.2连铸机设备 13
4.3加热炉设备 17
4.4 轧机选择 19
5 工艺计算 22
5.1 压下量的计算 22
5.1.1 压下规程设计的原则和要求 22
5.1.2 制定压下规程的方法与步骤 22
5.2 压下量的分配 22
5.3 速度制度 23
5.4 轧制时间的确定 24
5.5 各道次温降和轧制温度计算 25
5.6 轧制力的计算 26
5.6.1 各道次平均单位压力 26
5.7 各道次力矩的计算 28
5.8 电机和轧辊的校核 32
5.8.1 轧制力及其力矩的校核 32
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