毕业论文关键词:清代,颜真卿, 何绍基,取法
Abstract:Tang monument flourish in qing dynasty, c as the tang dynasty calligrapher town, because of its calligraphy vigorous, plain and inclusive atmosphere, statutes, with broad inclusive, becomes the multitudinous shoka imitating the object. Learn yan calligrapher in qing dynasty, therefore, numerous, achievement, and determining the He Shaoji as the late qing dynasty yan book one of the most successful shoka, take its good high and steep, of both the short and the wind, rooted in his handwriting is self-taught, say yan deeply rooted in He Shaoji lifetime achievements of calligraphy . In this article, through determining the comb He Shaoji c era background, account of its own factors, the family takes yan book on the reason and the impact of external factors, summarizing the results of the study yan revelation and influence of He Shaoji learning how to draw lessons from the practice of the ancient people form their own personal style, reflect contemporary calligraphy learning situation, bring new enlightenment for the future further learning from our predecessors.
1 前言 4
1.2写作思路、目的和意义: 4
2 何绍基学颜背景 4
2.1 仰承庭诰 秉承家学 4
2.2 唐碑复兴 颜书兴盛 5
2.3 字如其人 品高书贵 6
3 何绍基思想上对颜书的推崇 7
3.1书、性道通 7
3.2.不守陈法 7
3.3重骨不重姿 8
4何绍基取法颜书的不同阶段与艺术成就 8
4.1 师法颜体与初涉碑学 40岁以前(道光十八年以前) 9
4.2取径唐碑与欧颜结合(道光十八年—咸丰五年) 12
4.3 晚年变法(咸丰六年—同治十二年) 15
4.4 何绍基取法颜书的独特之处及启示 15
结 论 18
参考文献 19
致谢: 20
1 前言
清代唐碑兴盛,颜真卿作为唐代书家重镇,其书法因其完备的法度,质朴大气的特点,成为众多书家师法的对象。因此,清代学颜书家众多,成就颇高。而何绍基作为清代后期取法颜书最为成功的书家之一,取其沉雄峭拔,深其圆雄宽博,竭尽横平竖直之规,可以说对颜真卿的取法在其一生的学书过程中起到了很大的推动作用。成为后世人学习颜书的榜样之一。但目前关于何绍基的研究主要集中在其篆隶方面,对其取法颜书方面的研究比较少。例如邹建利的《篆分古意:何绍基毕生的审美追求》主要是围绕着何绍基书法中篆分古意来探讨的,分析何绍基追求篆分古意的起因,过程、结果和影响,颜真卿只作为书法中含有篆籀气被列举出来;李名的《篆分意度 正气博大—— 何绍基的书法艺术特色》把何绍基的书法道路分为三个阶段,但仍未仔细提及颜书的作用;钱松的《何绍基年谱长编及书法研究》详实的记录的何绍基一生的书法道路中取法的书家碑帖,对本文的写作提供的参考;张盈袖的《何绍基书法及其思想研究》中对何绍基的书法思想进行了进行了仔细的梳理,对本文在研究何绍基理论方面具有参考价值。