摘 要:自清代开始,有碑帖之说,随着帖学的衰微,碑学逐渐兴起,然而学碑者却有狂野的习气,习帖者不免带有柔弱和做作之气。故清末便有人提出化碑入帖,碑帖和合,从而达到既有阳刚之气而又不失流美之风,在这期间,郑孝胥可谓是一位碑帖结合的典范。59883
Abstract:Since the qing dynasty, has fell, with the decline of post study, stone inscription rubbings rise gradually, learn tablet is, however, have wild habits, xi post is unavoidable with vulnerability and affectation. So somebody is put forward in the late qing dynasty stone into the post, fell harmony, so as to achieve both masculinity and do not break flow wind beauty, during this period, cheng hsiao-hsu model is the combination of a fell.
The purpose of this paper is to through the study of inheritance, cheng hsiao-hsu calligraphy to fell forward "stone bone post view", the doctrine of the mean thought of Chinese traditional culture on the stone post, and the effect of bone cheng hsiao-hsu calligraphy on the value of the gallery to see today fell in the pros and cons of contemporary gallery.
Keywords:Zheng Xiaoxu, monuments, oftware, integration
1 前言 3
2 郑孝胥书法对碑和帖的化合(“碑骨帖面”的具体表现) 3
2.1 郑孝胥书法对碑帖的继承 3
2. 2郑孝胥书法的“碑骨帖面观” 5
2.3 中庸思想对郑孝胥“碑骨帖面”的影响 7
3 郑孝胥书法的价值和影响 8
4.碑帖结合在当代书法中的现实意义 9
结 论 10
注 释 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13
1 前言
郑孝胥(1860-1938)。字太夷,号苏戡、海藏,闽侯人,1882年,考取内阁中书之职。清朝退位后长居于上海鬻书,在九一八事变之后,协助日本人拥护在东北成立的伪满洲国,并且担任国务总理兼文教部总长,为世人所不齿。自古以来,在世人眼中,人品总是要高于书品的,尽管如此,郑孝胥的书法在民国的时候影响力很大。辛亥革命后,郑孝胥在上海专注书艺,书名日隆。门下出了很多高徒,有为后人所熟知的林语堂、徐志摩等人。 同时期,郑孝胥还创办过书法学校。张谦在《海藏书法抉微》记载“海藏先生退居海上,与当时名流唐涉江共创丽泽文社及有恒心字社,以课诸旧家子弟”。 [1]