

    毕业论文关键词  交替口译   短时记忆   记忆训练   

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    On Short-term Memory Training and its Strategies in Consecutive Interpreting                                      


    Interpreting is a complicated procedure of information processing relating to people’s logic and psychological process. Memory is the key link and the major obstacle affecting interpreting. Interpreting is an instant logic conversion activity between two languages, conveying the information in target language on a basis of accurate understanding in a short period of time, which requires interpreters to maintain and process information which highly depends on short-term memory. This paper endeavors to analyze the status and functions of short-term memory objectively through questionnaire sent to English majors about the opinions of the relationship between short-term memory and interpreting quality. It attempts to evaluate whether the memory training methods are effective and provide objective data support for putting forward strategies.

    Keywords  consecutive interpreting    short-term memory   memory training  

    Table of Contents

    1  Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….1

    2  Literature Review……………………………………………1

    2.1  The Previous Study of Short-term Memory ..…………………………2

    2.2  Short-term Memory Training Strategies.………………………………………..4

    2.2.1 Visualization Memory Strategy..…………………….4

    2.2.2 Meaning Encoded Strategy…………………………………….…….5

    2.2.3 Chunking Process Strategy..……………………………………..5

    3  Research Methodology.………….…………….…..5

    3.1  Description of Subject…….…………………………………………………..5

    3.2  Research Instrument-Questionnaire.6

    4  Results and Data Analysis.6

    4.1 Respondents’ General Understanding of English Interpreting6

    4.1.1The Respondents’ Understanding of English Interpreting.7

    4.1.2 Content be Taught in Interpreting Course.8

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