    Abstract Idioms generally refers to those words commonly used together with a specific form. Idioms are fixed expressions accumulation in history and culture. With the development of history and culture, people tends to give the animal some special meanings, so there are majority of animal idioms in English and Chinese languages, Because humans have a similar way of thinking and cognitive ability, some animals have the inherent attributes and characteristics of the equally important position in and of itself in two ethnic groups of human life, these animal idioms reflect different cultural information, contain a profound cultural connotation. This thesis analyzes English and Chinese animal idioms translation from the perspective of cultural differences through the comparison and translation of animal idioms in English and Chinese, and to explore the methods of the translation of animal idioms, in order to further promote the cross cultural communication.
    Key words: Animal idioms ;Cultural difference ;Cross cultural communication;
     The Translation of English and Chinese Animal Idioms From Cultural Differences
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Idioms ,Language and Culture    3
    2.1 The Introduction of Idioms    3
    2.2 Definition of Language and Culture    4
    2.3 The Relationship Among Idioms, Language and Culture    5
    III. The Comparisons of the English and Chinese Animal Words    6
    3.1 The Same Animal Words have Same or Different Cultural Connotation in English and Chinese    6
    3.1.1Animal words have same cultural connotation    6
    3.1.2 Animal Words have Different Cultural Connotation.    7
    3.2 The Same Animal Words have both Different Cultural Connotation and Same Cultural Connotation in English and Chinese.    9
    3.3 Different Animal Words have Similar Cultural Connotation in English and Chinese.    9
    IV. The Translation of Animal Idioms in Chinese and English    10
    4.1 The Principle of Translation    10
    4.2The Methods About the Translation of Animal Words    11
    4.2.1Literal Translation    11
    4.2.2 The Literal Translation plus Annotation    12
    4.2.3 Alternative    12
    4.2.4Free Translation    13
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgments    17
    I. Introduction

    1.1 Background of this Study
     Idioms are the words we always use together to describe a phenomenon or an event. There are abundant cultural information in the idioms, idioms have obvious national and local characteristic. English and Chinese idioms bear the weight of different cultural characteristic and cultural information, they are the essence of languages. In the various idioms, animal idioms are widely used both in English and Chinese.According to Cuo Zhuzhang,(郭著章,1999)animal words consist of names of animals or idioms involving animal names.It is estimated that there are are as many as about 649 animal words in the two languages,according to Liao Guangrong(廖光蓉,235-236,241).Thus, the same or difference of culture are reflected in the abundant animal idioms, they are not only concise and comprehensive but also profound and lasting, animal idioms showed the national historic culture, local conditions and customs and life experience from profile. As a consequence, comprehending animal idioms is beneficial for cross cultural communication.
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