    Abstract  As a perfect work of modern narrative art, Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, with the union of its content and form, fully presents the development of traditional narrative techniques. Using the new and unique narrative point of view, the author creates dramatic effects to strengthen the specific artistic charm and highlight the novel’s concept content. This article takes the research method of textual analysis and explores narrative features in the narration of the first person, time and place. Through it we can not only learn the author’s superb writing skills, but also understand the young people’s dreams and pursuits in that century. Hopefully this paper will be beneficial to the understanding of the novel.
     Key words: narrative manners; time of the narrative; narrative techniques
    An Analysis on the Narrative Techniques in The Great Gatsby
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Great Gatsby    1
    2.1 Introduction of the Novel    1
    2.2 The Author of the Novel    2
    III. The Narrative Techniques    3
    3.1 The Definition of Narrative Theory    3
    3.2 The Types of Narrative Methods    3
    IV. Analysis on the Narrative Techniques of The Great Gatsby    4
    4.1 Narration of the First Person    4
    4.2 Narration of Time    8
    4.3 Narration of Place    10
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    I. Introduction

        As a perfect work of modern narrative art, Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, through a combination of its content and form, fully demonstrates the author’s effort for the development of traditional narrative techniques. Through using the new and unique narrative point of view and the exquisite arrangement of spatio-temporal structure, the author creates a dramatic effect to highlight the ideological content of works. This article will carry on the analysis of the narrative art of The great Gatsby. Through it we can not only learn the author’s superb writing skills, but also understand the young people’s dream and pursuit in that century. As for the present research situation, most scholars have reflected the analysis of this theme in “Burst of American dream”, but few scholars have carried on research to the artistic feature of the works.
    My essay is different from my predecessors, because I explore the novel’s narrative techniques through the guidance of modern narrative and my detailed analysis. Because this essay is written in the spirit of offering detailed analysis and precise argumentation, I take advantage of the large body of recent criticism and remarks on The Great Gatsby along with my own comprehensive textual analysis of it. On the whole, it is pided into four chapters. The first part is the significance of the topic. The second part is the introduction of the Great Gatsby. The third part provides a detailed description of the novel’s narrative techniques in accordance with modern narratology. It also deals with time and place of the narrative respectively. The fourth part is conclusion, which summarizes the analysis of the narrative skills of the Great Gatsby.
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