
    1.2    Structure of the Thesis
    Generally speaking, the thesis is pided into five chapters which center on the topic.

    Chapter one begins with the introduction which talks about the research objective and the methods, and then introduces the structure of the paper.

    Chapter two is a brief review of studies on CHC theory and cognitive translatology. In detail, Glr ability in CHC theory is highlighted and the paper illustrates the relationship between CHC theory and cognitive translatology.

    Chapter three elaborates main problems in translation of Chinese menu in prospects of expression, rhetoric and culture..

    Chapter four analyzes cognitive approaches to the translation of Chinese menu by applying three cases.
    The last part serves as a conclusion. It points out the results of the paper as well as its significance and limitation.

    2 Literature Review
    2.1 A Brief Introduction to CHC Theory
    CHC theory has been recognized as the consensus models which are based on psychometry for understanding different structures of human intelligence. CHC theory is pided into two models: the Cattell–Horn Gf–Gc and Carroll Three-Stratum. Although the two models differ in many ways, the deep correspondence between the two models has resulted in the increased use of a broad umbrella term for a synthesis of the two models (Cattell–Horn–Carroll theory of cognitive abilities—CHC theory) (McGrew, 2005:9). CHC theory provides a means by which we can understand the relationships between cognitive abilities and academic achievement, an important component of learning disabilities identification and instructional planning (McGrew, 2010:7-8). According to McGrew (2010:4), the Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) taxonomy of cognitive abilities is the consensus framework from which cognitive abilities are currently most often conceptualized and measured and help more people realize that cognitive ability testing practices need to be more purpose driven, selective and flexible.

    2.1.1 Three Strata of CHC theory
    John Carroll (1993:35) firstly pointed out the three strata of CHC theory by reviewing and reanalyzing the world's literature on inpidual differences in cognitive abilities. The three strata are shown in Figure 1 (Tian Chuang, Zhao Wei, 2008:48).
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