    关键词  菜单翻译   CHC理论   长期记忆搜索能力   认知翻译学
    Title Application of Glr Ability in CHC Theory in the Translation of Chinese Dish Names——Based on Enjoy Culinary Delights: A Chinese Menu in English
    Based on Glr ability in the most effective cognitive model at present——CHC theory, this paper mainly focuses on the Chinese menu translation from the perspective of cognitive translatology, taking Enjoy Culinary Delights: A Chinese Menu in English which has authority as the target language. This paper analyzes main concerns of menu translation from the views of linguistics and culture. Furthermore, this paper studies the appropriateness of menu translation by applying narrow abilities in Glr ability with three cases, aiming to express Chinese cuisine culture in a better way.
    Keywords   menu translation   CHC theory   Glr ability  
    cognitive translatology
    Table of Content
    1  Introduction    1
    1.1  The Purpose of the Thesis    1
    1.2  The Structure of the Thesis    1
    2  Literature Review    2
    2.1  A Brief Introduction to CHC Theory    2
    2.2  A Brief Introduction to Cognitive Translatology    4
    3  Main Problems in Translation of Chinese Menu    5
    3.1  Expression Problems     5
    3.2  Rhetoric Problems     6
    3.3  Culture Problems     6
    4  Glr Ability in Translation of Chinese Menu    7
    4.1  Glr Ability in Cognitive Translatology    7
    4.2  Narrow Abilities in Glr Ability    7
    4.3 Data Analysis    9
    Conclusion    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    Bibliography    15
    1 Introduction
    1.1    The Purpose of the Thesis
    Nowadays, cultural competitiveness plays an essential role among countries. Without doubt, traditional cuisine is a part of culture which needs to be expressed and understood. Precise and accurate translation of Chinese menu can do its bit in helping to make Chinese food culture more popular and more competitive. The study of menu translation will not only improve the quality of service industries in China and make foreign visitors feel convenient to have meals in restaurants,but also in the long run will enhance the development of tourism industry and will promote Chinese cuisine culture. Therefore, this paper mainly concentrates on the Chinese menu translation from the perspective of cognitive translatology. Taking authority into consideration, this paper adopts Enjoy Culinary Delights: A Chinese Menu in English (hereinafter referred to as “Menu”), published by Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality in 2010 as the target resource.

    The thesis, focuses on this manual book, endeavors to explain and identify the ways of translation by applying Glr (Long-term storage and retrieval) ability in CHC theory which is involved in cognitive translatology. Meanwhile, this thesis is expected to point out the deficiencies of the Menu according to the analysis of the communicating effect of translation. To some degree, the thesis is aimed at fostering the cross-cultural communication as well as strengthening the ability for external service.
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