






    Abstract  This study through the literature data method, questionnaire survey method, interview method, field survey method, mathematical statistics and logical analysis of track and field training in Xiaoshan for the third, reached the following conclusions:

    (1) the hardware resources, Xiaoshan third track and field training facilities is more abundant, can be very good to meet the students' training needs; software resources, teachers are more abundant, but in track and field training of professional degree is insufficient, can not be more professional training, the impact of the training effect.

    (2) students to participate in the training, students to participate in training project is relatively concentrated, projects are not evenly distributed, promote the all-round development of the school athletics is not good; at the same time most of the students in the participating students think training does not affect their learning. At the same time the coach of their learning but also more emphasis on; students to school track and field team performance and school attaches great importance to the degree of satisfaction is low in terms of satisfaction, satisfaction of coaches, school management and facilities can accept.

    (3) of the existing problems, through analysis, it is known that Xiaoshan third of amateur track and field training mainly exist in the following problems: first, the teacher specialization level is low; second, there is no good management system and lead do not pay enough attention to the amateur track and field training.

    (4) the countermeasures study, suggesting a school to develop a sound management system, and arrange special leader in charge of the amateur track and field training, pay attention to; on the other hand, school as much as possible to create opportunities to teacher professional skills training, improve the teacher professional level of training.

    Key  words: Xiaoshan Third high school; track and field amateur training; development status;

    1引言 4

    1.1问题的提出 4

    1.2研究的目的与意义 4

    1.2.1研究的目的 4

    1.2.2研究的意义 5


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