








    The campus football school in Runzhou District Zhenjiang city development situation and countermeasure analysis


    The overall level of Chinese football has been in decline in recent years, and in intercontinental competition results have been ups and downs, can not help but be puzzled and puzzled. Under the current Chinese educational background of students' learning in school students only football-related theoretical knowledge while participating in extra-curricular sports activities football. This article is Runzhou Zhenjiang five primary and high school football for the survey, the use of mathematical statistics, questionnaire, literature, logical analysis of these four methods, from Runzhou District Zhenjiang City campus football to carry out the actual situation to start an investigation and analysis reached the following conclusions:

    1. A large part of students like and are willing to actively participate in football activities. But the real number of people to participate in football activities, not much.

    2. Runzhou District Zhenjiang City campus football related ground facilities is still not perfect, this is one of the campus football hinder sustainable development reasons.

    3. Not all schools surveyed are able to teach courses for football, and rationalization program is still not perfect, less football class accounted for the proportion of PE.

    4. To promote school football to carry out extra-curricular activities, to allow more students to participate in campus football were to go.

    5. Runzhou Zhenjiang level of development of the school campus football primary and secondary schools is not balanced.

    6. Under the current educational background, cultural studies, students are more onerous task, able to participate in football very limited time. This is the development of football on campus has some impediment.

     Key words:Middle school students,Campusfootball,development,Countermeasures study

    1、前言 5

    1.1选题依据 5

    1.2研究目的和意义 5

    1.2.1研究目的 6

    1.2.2研究意义 6

    1.3国内外文献综述 6


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