









    Since the beginning of 1979 Sanda rules after the pilot, constantly improve, according to the time background, each rule changes are in line with the prevailing environment, on the development of Sanda play a significant role in promoting. In 2012, after experts on Sandaeach decision, after the implementation of the new rules after the pilot, it marks thedevelopment of sanda competition will enter a new stage of development. To further explorethe implementation of the new rules of Wushu Sanda Competition Effect on the characteristics and development trend of application of Sanda technique, is of great significance to the development of sanda.

     Through the method of literature, video analysis and so on, the national championship in 2010 and 2011 before 8 in the 30 field (60 games) game research, draw the following conclusions: 

    1、 2011 edition after the implementation, greatly improving the Sanda games, ornamental, fierce.

    2、 2011 edition after the implementation, great changes have taken place in the structure of sanda competition, promote the development of boxing, boxing leg technology, technology has good development space and use value, and the techniques have become the main way of attack in the game and scorer, kick boxing techniques and use techniques in the game scoring rate increased, wrestling scoring rate decreased greatly.

    3、2011 edition after the implementation of sanda competition, to a certain extent, promoted the fist, leg, fall three application of balanced development, comprehensive development, in the past mainly rely on the wrestling winning situation has been improved, now the main offensive game, kicking and boxing techniques rely on technology to control the rhythm of the game.

    4、2011 edition after the implementation, cuddle in sanda competition times, negative, negative frequency cuddle cuddle times decreased, negative penalty scores increased significantly to improve law enforcement, to change the old, under the rules of Sanda Competition drag phenomenon, to a certain extent promoted the development of technology and techniques of boxing.

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