

    In recent years, with the enhancement of social and economic development as well as the comprehensive national strength, the community had more physical health concerns of adolescents. As descendants of the motherland's successor, adolescent physique has become an important indicator of national strength of. However, in today's society, young people are not optimistic about the health problems physical health is affected by many factors, such as their own factors, school factors, family factors and social factors. These factors gave the physical health of young people brought many negative effects only through the investigation and analysis, be reduced by proper scientific method or even eliminate these negative effects, for students to develop self-training and improving the quality of a broader space. I have worked in Dafang third high school, so the paper in example of Dafang third high school, hoping to field survey and data analysis, to understand the student physique health of Dafang third high school, through analysis of the factors which influence and make recommendations to rationalize and promote the healthy development of young physique.

    毕业论文关键词:高中生; 体质健康; 调查;  分析

    Keyword: Physical health; high school;  survey; analysis 

    目    录

    1  引言 4

    1.1 选题依据 4

    1.2 研究价值 4

    2  研究对象与研究方法 4

    2.1 研究对象:高中生体质健康的调查与分析 4

    2.2 研究方法 4

    3 学生体质健康状况分析 4

    3.1男生体质健康状况的分析 4

    3.2女生体质健康状况的分析 4

    3.3视力调查结果分析 4

    3.4学生营养状况的调查 4

    3.5对学生体育锻炼时间的调查 4

    4 影响学生体质健康的因素分析 4

    4.1学生自身因素的影响 4

    4.2学校体育工作的影响 4

    4.3家庭因素的影响 4

    4.4社会环境的影响 4

    5 提高学生体质健康状况的措施与建议 4

    5.1学校体育工作应采取的措施 4

    5.2家庭教育应采取的措施 4


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