

    In recent years,along with the martial arts competition multi-level, all aspects of the development of Wushu development, toward the "high, difficult, beautiful, new" direction, the new rules promulgated by the state of the difficulty, the difficulty in the martial arts repertoire competition more and more important, the recent rise of the cyclone foot 720 degrees, then. Swing leg flight fly rotation class leg action, greatly promote the innovation of Wushu flight movement. It needs to further improve the scientific level of martial arts training, and detailed theoretical study of Wushu movement difficulty, to find appropriate motion law, scientific training. When the athletes competitive level increasing, difficulty level to complete the selected will directly affect the quality of the athletes, and a very important standard of success is the difficulty of landing stability. In order to improve the competitive Wushu, ornamental, meet the needs of social development. It is necessary to balance the stability of landing the tornado foot through scientific analysis, rich martial arts training theory, provide methods and means for scientific training, to promote the development of Wushu Changquan project. This paper from the perspective of enhancing the landing stability in this area, there is help the athletes to solve the problem of the tornado foot 720 degrees, improve Wushu athletes completed difficulty jump the success rate in the game.


    Keyword: Wushu athlete; whirlwind feet; 720 ° landing; stability; research

    目    录

    1、引言 4

    2、研究对象与研究方法 5

    2.1 研究对象 5

    2.2 研究方法 5

    2.2.1 文献综述 5

    2.2.2 问卷调查法 5

    2.2.3 专家访谈法 5

    3、结果分析 6

    3.1 助跑起跳 6

    3.2 踏跳阶段 6

       3.3 腾空旋转 7

    3.3.1 腾空阶段身体重心腾起高度的分析 7

       3.3.2 击响过后至落地右踝转动中心的点速分析 7

    3.4 落地接连接 8


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