
    摘要随着武术散打竞技水平不断提高,对散打运动员的心理素质也提出了更高的要求,赛前心理状态直接影响到运动员的比赛状态和结果。如今,随着散打技术水平日益提升,运动员之间的技术素质十分接近,散打比赛也变得日益激烈化起来,因而要继续提高运动员的散打竞技水平,必须要从心理训练方面寻求突破。在整个训练比赛周期中, 心理因素随着比赛的接近而变得越来越重要。武术散打比赛具有激烈的竞争能力和对抗能力,它不仅是比技术、比战术, 更是比意志和心理。运动员在比赛之前散打是属于比较激烈的一种锻炼,散打运动员在比赛之前,一定要前做好万全的准备,在比赛的时候,把注意力归到比赛上,不可以分心。运动员的赛前心理因素也制约着体能、技术和战术的发挥程度,同时也影响着训练的进程和成效。文章通过对随机的选取了浙江省散打队10人做调查问卷,其中男、女各五人。采用赛前询问法了解十人比赛前心理状态,并记录数据。我们针对一些散打运动员在比赛之前的一些心理状况的表现形式和一些关于运动员影响他们比赛的一些心理方面的原因以及在比赛之前的心理状态的某些测试的方法进行了一系列的整理,希望可以更好的帮助更多的散打运动员。47305

    Abstract As wushu sanda sports level unceasing enhancement, the psychological quality of sanda athletes are also put forward higher request, the psychological status directly affect the game state and results of athletes. Now, with sanda technology level increasing, the athletes between the technical quality is very close, sanda competition became increasingly fierce change, thus will continue to improve the sports level of the athletes of sanda, must seek the breakthrough from the aspects of psychological training. In the whole training game cycle, psychological factors as the game close and become more and more important. Wushu sanda competition has competition ability and fighting ability, it is not only a than technical, tactical, is more than the will and the psychological. Against the fierce competition for athletes must fully prepare before the game, in the game must be highly focused and has a tough fight. Athletes of the pre-match psychological factors also restrict the physical, technical and tactical level of play, but also affects the training process and results. Based on the random selection of zhejiang sanda team 10 people do questionnaire, male, female all five of them. By using before asking about ten people psychological state before the game, and record the data. Of sanda athletes before the manifestation of psychological status, factors that affect the psychological condition, the test means of the pre-match psychological state, state intervention and the psychological adjustment, summarized the matters needing attention, the summary, in order for the coaches and athletes to the psychological adjustment to provide guidance and help. 


    Keyword:Sanda athletes; The psychological; Factors affecting the 

    目    录

    1、引言 1

    2、研究对象与研究方法 1

    2.2 研究方法 1

    2.2.1 文献综述 1

    2.2.2 问卷调查法 1

    2.2.3 专家访谈法 1

    3、分析与讨论 1

    3.1 散打运动员赛前心理状态的表现形式 1

    3.2 影响散打运动员赛前心理状态的原因 2

    3.2.1 散打运动员心理压力较大

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