
    摘要 浙江省大学生篮球联赛不断发展,迫切需要自身不断发展改革和完善以便更好的为ZUBA服务,通过对浙江省大学生篮球联赛的赛制现状调查与其他篮球赛事的对比分析,探讨目前浙江省大学生篮球联赛(ZUBA)在赛制存在的问题, 并且提出相应的改革措施,确保联赛持续,稳定,快速的发展。更好的为ZUBA服务,以浙江省大学生篮球赛事为平台,积极推进篮球文化建设,推动课程--课外体育活动--运动训练--体育竞赛一体化的俱乐部制改革,构建由大学生俱乐部联赛与CUBA联赛浙江省大学生篮球精品赛事,促进浙江省高校篮球运动的发展提供科学的参考。 58523

    毕业论文关键词: 浙江省大学生;篮球联赛;联赛赛制;发展探讨

    Abstract:Zhejiang university basketball league development, an urgent need to their own development to reform and perfect in order to better serve ZUBA, through the investigation about the present situation of zhejiang university basketball league competitions with other contrastive analysis of the basketball tournament, the current college students in zhejiang province basketball league (ZUBA) from the existing problems, and puts forward the corresponding reform measures, ensure the league continued, stable and rapid growth. Better service to the ZUBA, college students in zhejiang province basketball tournament as a platform, promoting basketball culture construction, promote courses, extracurricular sports activities, sports training, integration of sports club system reform, build by college students and college students in zhejiang province CUBA league basketball club league boutique event, promote the development of college basketball sports in zhejiang province to provide scientific reference.

      Keyword:Students in Zhejiang Province; Basketball League; league system; Development 

    目    录

    摘    要 II

    Abstract: III

    1 前言 1

    2 研究对象与方法 1

    2.1 研究对象 1

    2.2 研究方法 1

    2.2.1文献资料法 1

    2.2.2数理统计法 1

    2.2.3专家访谈法 1

    2.2.4逻辑分析法 1

    3文献综述 1

    4研究结果与分析 2

    4.1 浙江省大学生篮球联赛联赛发展历程 2

    4.2浙江省大学生篮球联赛的竞赛制度、竞赛方法与奖励办法 3

    4.2.1 ZUBA联赛的竞赛制度 3

    4.2.2 ZUBA联赛的竞赛方法 4

    4.2.3 ZUBA联赛的奖励办法 4

    4.3浙江省大学生篮球联赛与CUBA联赛竞赛制度的对比分析 4

    5 结论与建议 7

    5.1结论 7

    5.2建议 7

    参考文献 8

    致谢 8

    1 前言


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