
    摘  要:西方竞技体育的冲击使得现在大学的从国外引进的体育项目都很受欢迎如羽毛球、网球、跆拳道等,而中华名族传统体育文化武术、舞龙舞狮、龙舟等却进入了萧条期,外来文化的流入,传统体育文化的流失是当今我国最棘手要解决的问题,因此通过对高等教育学生对传统体育的欢迎情况来展现传统文化的地位,将对淮阴师范学院、淮阴工学院开展本次调查,利用文献资料法得出传统体育的内容和在调查的两所院校比较适合开展的传统体育项目为武术和舞龙舞狮。运用问卷调查法、数据统计法和访谈法得出学生对传统体育的喜爱和认知程度和学校课程的设置,场地设施的健全,师资力量等影响传统体育在普通高校中的发展,以此成为现在传统体育在高校中进入冰河时代的原因。66971


    Abstract: The impact of the western competitive sports has now imported from abroad at the university of sports are popular, such as badminton, tennis, taekwondo and the Chinese traditional ethnic sports culture of martial arts, dragon dance lion dance, dragon boat, have entered into a recession, the inflow of foreign culture, the loss of traditional sports culture is the most difficult to solve the problem of our country today, so by welcoming of higher education students to traditional sports situation to show the status of traditional culture, of huaiyin teachers college, huaiyin institute of technology to carry out the survey, using literature data method, it is concluded that the content of the traditional sports and in the investigation of the two is suitable for colleges and universities to carry out the traditional sports of wushu and dragon dance lion dance. Using questionnaire investigation, data statistics and interview method to draw students' love of traditional sports and cognitive level and school curriculum Settings, perfect facilities, faculty and influence the development of traditional sports in regular institutions of higher learning to become now the cause of the traditional sports in colleges and universities into the ice age. 

    Keywords: Traditional sports; college physical education;; development status; countermeasure research


    摘  要 3

    关键词 3

    Abstract: 3

    Keywords: 4

    1 前言 5

    2研究对象和研究方法 6

    2.1研究对象 6

    2.2研究方法 6

    2.2.1文献资料法 6

    2.2.2问卷调查法 6

    2.2.3数据统计法 7

    2.2.4访谈法 7

    3 研究结果与分析 7

    3.1学生对于传统体育的认知和喜爱程度的现状 7

    3.2传统体育课程设置和课程内容的现状 8

    3.3学生对于学校体育场地设施的评价 8

    3.4传统体育课执行情况的现状 9

    4讨论 10

    4.1两所学校学生对传统体育项目的认知和喜爱程度的评价差异分析 10


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