



    Tennis in normal university has a broad basis, loved by the majority of teachers and students, this study will be through the questionnaire investigation, literature material method, interview method and mathematical statistics, the non-sports class students to participate in tennis activities and analysis of the status of the investigation research, puts forward Suggestions on the problems and reform, in order to improve the current situation of college students' extracurricular sports activities, so as to promote the coordinated development of non-sports class students tennis activity. Final results are: non-sports class of normal university students participate in tennis crowd is sophomore, large tertiary students more, and male students as the main participation in the crowd. normal university, a total of 9 pieces of outdoor tennis court, indoor venues, no regular maintenance. Non-sports class of normal university students mainly in the form of the option of public physical education class learning tennis. Non-sports class of normal university students to participate in the cause of the tennis sport, in according to choose the frequency order to keep fit (88.5%), interests (82.3%), relieve pressure (35.4%), weight loss (28.5%), making friends (12.3%), etc. Less activity, tennis organization of normal university campus cultural propaganda and tennis is less, tennis low penetration. Sports school tennis course arrangement is less, the teacher level needs to improve. Put forward the corresponding conclusions and recommendations are: tennis venue opening time is an important factor in deciding how much tennis participants, extend the tennis court open time in the morning and evening time, tennis facilities, humanized management, enable participants to better enjoy tennis. Guarantee the tennis court open the rational and regular maintenance, set up safety protection, attract more students to participate in the tennis sport. Optimize the tennis option class curriculum, hire a higher degree of tennis professionals, attract more tennis players. Fitness club, tennis club related groups such as the contact and communication, not only can better improve participation in tennis, and tennis consumption can be optimized.    

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