



      In this paper by means of normal university students' height, weight, lung capacity, 50 m running,【1000 m (male), 800 m (female) 】, standing long jump in succession, crook proneness, pull-ups and sit-ups nine projects for testing. In order to timely and comprehensive understanding of normal university at present, the physical health of students, the school sports work to provide reference for the normal university. To normal university students as the research object, using the method of literature, mathematical statistics method, test method of comparative analysis and statistical method to form, through the analysis of the function and physical quality in students physical health status, boys and girls physical form contrast results and comparison results between the colleges, finally make a comprehensive analysis of relevant conclusions. All the male and female students overall health level in to pass the level. Our college students' body form relatively well-balanced, in good level; Through the lung capacity test our overall is in good condition of college students' cardiopulmonary function and pass the two level; Our school students aerobic stamina overall level of water in the pass; Students' cardiopulmonary function, speed, flexibility and power quality is generally poor. In terms of the physical quality score comparison, both men and women in general is to pass the level, physical conditions of girls is slightly better than boys. Comparison between colleges cicc heng h college students physical health condition of overall relatively well, academy of fine arts in several in a lower level.

     Keyword: Physical quality; College students' physique; Health standards; Current situation

    目    录

    1 前言 1

    2 研究对象与方法 1

    2.1 研究对象 1

    2.2 研究方法 1

    2.2.1 文献资料法 1

    2.2.2 测试法 1

    2.2.3 数理统计法 1

    2.2.4 比较分析法 1

    2.2.5 统计法 1

    3 结果与分析 1

    3.1体质健康总体状况 1

    3.2 形态、机能和身体素质分析 2

    3.2.1 形态 2

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