


    The Classification and Characteristics of Joint Motion of Knee Injury of Amateur Badminton Lovers


    Badminton has high entertainment, fitness and ornamental, more and more like the masses.It can not only enhance the people's physique and to cultivate people's sentiments, but follow the badminton movement damage is also accompanied by amateur badminton enthusiasts.Badminton in short distance of the emergency stop, fast, change to action needs to amateur badminton enthusiasts have the good physical quality, especially the ankle and knee to support and control ability. This article through questionnaire survey and literature data collection, key for Wanxi college amateur badminton enthusiasts of knee joint injury of classification and characteristics of, and to analyze the reasons of injury and knee joint injury of corresponding preventive measures are put forward. For Wanxi college amateur badminton enthusiasts in reducing the risk of injury in the badminton movement and provide impetus for the badminton movement launched extensively in the university campus.

    Key words: Amateur badminton lover; knee injury characteristics; cause; countermeasure

    目    录

    摘要 1

    1前言 2

    2选题背景 2

    2.1研究目的、意义 2

    2.2国内外研究现状 4

    2.2.1国内研究现状 4

    2.2.2国外研究现状 4

    3研究对象及研究方法 4

    3.1研究对象 4

    3.2研究方法 4

    3.3研究结果与分析 5

    4膝关节损伤分类及预防措施 5

    4.1膝关节基本结构及运动特性 5

    4.2业余羽毛球爱好者膝关节损伤的分类 5

    4.3膝关节损伤原因的调查分析 7

    4.4羽毛球运动的特点及膝关节损伤的关系 7

    4.5几种常见膝关节损伤类型的预防措施 8

    5结论与建议 8

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

    附件 12

    业余羽毛球爱好者膝关节运动损伤及预防 1前言


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