
    摘要: 近年来我国饼干行业发展迅速,酥性饼干以其酥性、糖油比例适中等特点深受各年龄层人们的喜欢。本文针对影响酥性饼干的原辅料成分进行了研究,以面粉、薏米粉、荞麦颗粒为主要原料,在单因素试验的基础上,以感官指标和酥脆性为评定指标,采用正交试验优化薏荞酥性饼干的配方。实验结果表明,薏荞酥性饼干的最佳配方是面粉100%、薏米粉20%、荞麦颗粒10%、植物油32%、小苏打1.6%、水3%,糖霜30%、蛋液17%、全脂奶粉4.6%、精盐0.3%。此时饼干的品质最优,不仅具有良好的酥脆性,而且具有独特的荞麦清香。61991


    Study on the crafts of barley and buckwheat in biscuit

    Abstract: Targeting the re-examine production process of formulation Barley and buckwheat biscuit,our research added Barley powder and buckwheat granule based on the original ingredients.We established four main factors(Barley powder, shortening, baking soda and water) of the biscuits production through the preliminary experiments. By single factor and orthogonal experiments, and sensory evaluation, determination of color, texture detection, we determined the best formulation of Barley and buckwheat biscuit are: barley powder and wheat flour mass ratio of 2: 8 (100% of the total flour ), 32% of shortening, 1.6% of baking soda, 3% of water, and the remaining percentage of the raw materials accounted for the total amount of buckwheat flour particles were 10%, 30% of icing sugar, 17% of edd, 4.6% of whole milk powder, 0.3% of salt.

    Keywords:Barley powder; Buckwheat granule; Biscuit; Crafts research

     目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1薏米概述 1

    1.1.1薏米的价值 1

    1.1.2薏米的开发利用前景 1

    1.2荞麦概述 1

    1.2.1荞麦的价值 1

    1.2.2荞麦的开发利用现状及前景 2

    1.3酥性饼干工艺要点的研究 3

    1.3.1面团的调制 3

    1.3.2 酥性饼干的成型 3

    1.3.3酥性饼干的烘烤及冷却 3

    1.4 本课题研究现状 4

    1.5本课题的研究的目的和意义 4

    2 材料与方法 5

    2.1 实验材料 5

    2.2 实验仪器与设备 5

    2.3 实验方法 6

    2.3.1薏荞酥性饼干制备 6

    2.3.2薏荞酥性饼干配方的研究 7

    2.3.3薏荞酥性饼干感官评定 8

    2.3.4薏荞酥性饼干理化标准测定 8

    3 结果与讨论 10

    3.1薏米粉添加量对制作工艺的影响 10

    3.2植物油添加量对制作工艺的影响 13

    3.3小苏打添加量对制作工艺的影响 17

    3.4水添加量对制作工艺的影响 20

    3.5正交实验优化薏荞酥性饼干最佳配方 24

    4 结论 27


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