    毕业论文关键词: 粗杂粮;烘焙;配方;风测评;理化指标。
    Coarse grains used in the production of biscuit
    Abstract: This study intends to use coarse grains market larger space used low-fat, sugar-free biscuit products, study the amount of coarse grains, add water, baking methods on the flavor of biscuit products, impact toughness, impact indicators and thus save find suitable cereals biscuit production process. Thus, the present experimental set-up biscuit products constitute three dough to the basic formula of biscuit (wheat flour 100g, salt 1g, baking powder 1g, skim milk powder 4g, shortening 8g) as a reference, respectively, by purple potato dough, potato dough , whole bean nutrition dough every single factor variable levels of a number of factors in selecting screening, evaluation and experimental physical and chemical indicators of flavor. The best formula to get the purple potato dough: wheat flour 100g, skimmed milk powder 4g, purple sweet potato 50g, salt 1g, shortening 12g, baking powder 0.5g, baking soda 0.5g, water 60ml. Best recipe for potato dough: wheat flour 100g, skimmed milk powder 4g, the best recipe for potato dough: wheat flour 100g, skimmed milk powder 4g, potatoes 25g, salt 3g, shortening 8g, baking powder 0.5g, baking soda 0.5 g, water 55ml. The best formula for the whole bean dough: wheat flour 100g, skimmed milk powder 4g, whole beans (soy: beans: Peanuts: Oats = 10g: 10g: 10g: 10g), black pepper 1g, salt 2g, shortening 8g, water 62ml. After baking mode selected preliminary molding machine and disposable roasting baking as a reference, found again after forming baking outstanding performance in appearance, taste is also quite good, but the indicators do not meet the basic indicators of biscuit. In a bakery, the selected range of temperature gradients Looking highest temperature and the minimum maturation temperature. After comparison found that the use biscuit shape after the performance at the highest baking temperature gradually cooling the best color, this time by a lit 185 degrees, 175 degrees under fire baking 20min, then gradually cooled to 150 degrees water thoroughly dried.
    Keywords: coarse grains; baking; recipe; the flavor evaluation; physical and chemical indicators.
      1  前言    1
    1.1  韧性饼干的概述    1
    1.1.1    韧性饼干的特点    1
    1.1.2  韧性饼干的一般指标    1
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