


    The application of the sweet extracts from Momordica Grosvenori to the cigarettes

    Abstract: Momordica grosvenori is the main objects of study. Firstly, according to single factor test and the orthogonal test, the optimum processing of extracting mogrosides was built and measuring the content of mogrosides by ultraviolet spectroscopy. Then the mogrosides was added to the cigarettes and the sensory evaluation was carried on the cigarettes. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Discriminant Factorial Analysis (DFA), Cluster Analysis (CA)  and building the taste fingerprints of the cigarettes with different concentrations of mogrosides were used to compare the difference on the taste of the samples by electronic tongue. The cigarette smoke was analyzed by GC-MS tests. The results indicated extraction temperature for 30℃, extracting time for 60 min and solid to liquid for 1:25 were best synthetical condition which was decided. The cigarettes with different concentrations of mogrosides sensory attributes have significant difference. The electronic tongue can clearly distinguish five kinds of the cigarettes samples. Four kinds of different cigarettes samples were detected in 160 kinds of aroma components, including alcohols, ketones, aromatic compounds and heterocyclic compounds were the main aroma components.

    Key Words: Momordica grosvenori; the sweet extracts; Ultraviolet spectroscopy; smoke from

     cigarettes; ultrasonic extraction technics 

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    1.1罗汉果的甜成分 1

    1.2甜成分的提取 1

    1.2.1超声波提取的原理 2

    1.2.2超声波辅助技术的特点 2

    1.2.3超声波辅助提取的影响因素 3

    1.3甜成分的检测 4

    1.4卷烟烟气的形成 5

    1.5卷烟烟气的分析方法 5

    1.6卷烟觉特征分析 6

    1.6.1感官评定 6

    1.6.2电子舌 7

    1.7 本课题研究目的及意义 7

    1.8 本课题研究的主要内容 8

    2 实验材料和方法 9

    2.1 实验材料 9

    2.1.1实验材料、试剂及样品信息 9

    2.1.2 主要仪器及设备 10

    2.2 实验方法 10


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