    Abstract:The Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharides,which is one of the important reactive metabolites produced by a lot of organisms under the stress of environment. In this paper, I first screen 6 strains, and determine that the fourth strains is the best one for producing. Then study in the hypertonic, toxic, high copper condition. At the same time, study the optimal pH of trehalose accumulation. And I get the result that in the pH of 6.5, it is most suitable for production and accumulation of trehalose; in the hypertonic, toxic, high copper condition, trehalose accumulation has jumped sharply; 1%NaCl is optimum hypertonic conditions for trehalose accumulation, the optimum toxic condition is 5% ethanol, the optimal temperature of high temperature stress is 42. Compared with the single stress condition, the effect is not good in the condition of several stress existing. So it proved that there isn’t more trehalose accumulation if the condition is worse.
    key words: Trehalose; yeast; stress  
    目  录
    1绪论    - 1 -
    1.1 本课题的国内外研究进展    - 1 -
    1.1.1 海藻糖的构成及性质    - 1 -
    1.1.2 海藻糖的生理功能    - 1 -
    1.1.3 海藻糖的国内外研究进展    - 2 -
    1.2本课题的研究内容、目的及意义    - 3 -
    1.2.1 海藻糖对生物质的保护作用机理    - 3 -
    1.2.2海藻糖的生产方法    - 5 -
    1.2.3海藻糖的应用    - 7 -
    1.2.4本论文的研究内容    - 9 -
    2 材料与方法    - 10 -
    2.1实验材料    - 10 -
    2.1.1 实验试剂    - 10 -
    2.1.2 实验器材    - 12 -
    2.2 分析方法:    - 12 -
    2.2.1 细胞干重法测定    - 12 -
    2.2.2 蒽酮-硫酸法测定海藻糖含量    - 12 -
    2.2.3 pH测定    - 12 -
    2.2.4 酵母菌生长测定    - 12 -
    2.3 实验方法    - 12 -
    2.3.1 标准海藻糖曲线测定    - 12 -
    2.3.2 酵母破壁方法    - 13 -
    2.3.3出发菌株的筛选    - 14 -
    2.3.4出发菌株的生长曲线测定    - 14 -
    2.3.5 酵母内海藻糖积累的主要影响因素的研究    - 14 -
    3 结果与讨论    - 15 -
    3.1海藻糖标准曲线的绘制    - 15 -
    3.2 酵母中海藻糖的破壁方法    - 16 -
    3.3 出发菌株初筛    - 17 -
    3.4 酵母菌生长曲线测定    - 18 -
    3.5 酵母内海藻糖积累的主要影响因素的研究    - 19 -
    3.5.1 pH值对海藻糖累积的影响    - 19 -
    3.5.2 NaCl浓度对酵母菌中海藻糖累积量的影响    - 20 -
    3.5.3 毒性胁迫对海藻糖累积的影响    - 21 -
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