



    毕业论文关键词  ISO22000,HACCP,食品安全管理体系,风鹅

     毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要


    ISO22000:2005 standard is used to describe the guide of the food safety management system, and it’s the gist of organizations like food producing, food processing and supplying to get authentications and registers. 

      ISO22000 system combines the hazard analysis and the Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Point(HACCP) and its implementation steps made by Codex Alimentarius Commission(CAC), according to the need of verifying, ISO22000 connects HACCP plan and PRPs. Hazard analysis is helpful to construct an effective control measure combination, therefore hazard analysis is a very important part of constructing a food safety management system. ISO22000 standard asks to identify and assess every hazard may happen in the food chain, even the hazards which are relevant to the process and equipment. As a result, the standard provides a method to judge if a certain hazard needs control, and form it into papaerworks.

      This paper starts with the introduction of the form and development of HACCP system, viewing the contains and structure of the system, then a comparison among ISO22000 standard, HACCP system, ISO9001, GMP and SSOP is given.At the last chapter, an example of the dry cured goose producing management is used to show the usage of the food safety management system by providing the assessment of the goose’s management construction and implement.

    Key words: ISO22000, HACCP, food safety management system, dried cured goose

     目   次  

    1  引言 1

    2  食品安全管理体系概况 2

    2.1  ISO22000体系的内涵及特点 2

    2.2  ISO22000标准的内容及结构 3

    2.3  HACCP体系的产生与发展   4

    2.4  HACCP的主要内容及原理   5

    2.5  ISO22000与HACCP、ISO9001、GMP、SSOP的关系 8

    2.5.1  ISO22000与HACCP的关系 8

    2.5..2  ISO22000与ISO9001的关系 9

    2.5..3  ISO22000与GMP的关系 10

    2.5..4  ISO22000与SSOP的关系 10

    3  风鹅生产食品安全管理体系的建立 10

    3.1  企业简介 10

    3.2  食品安全管理体系的建立 11

    3.2.1  成立食品安全小组11

    3.2.2  产品描述11

    3.2.3  工艺流程12

    3.2.4  前提方案  14

    3.2.5  危害分析14

    3.2.6  控制措施的选择和评估16

      4  风鹅生产食品安全管理体系的实施 16

    结论  18

    致谢  19

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