
    摘要白术(Atractylodes macrocephala),名见于《伤寒杂病论》。以菊科植物白术的干燥根茎入药。其苦、甘,性温。功效益气健脾,燥湿利水,止汗,安胎。又治气虚不固之自汗和妊娠胎气不安。白术为中药临床及常用的补益中药,俗有“南术北参”、“十方九术”的美誉,是一种历史悠久药效广泛的千古名药。本文综述了白术的化学成分及其药理作用并对其乙酸乙酯相的化学成分进行了初步的研究,优化了白术多糖的提取工艺。通过反复硅胶柱层析、凝胶柱层析,制备液相色谱分离等,从中分离得到单体化合物,经核磁共振等波谱学数据鉴定为4-甲氧基-2′, 4′-二羟基查耳酮。在白术多糖提取工艺试验中,测得白术粗多糖最佳提取条件为:料液比1:8、加热时间1h、加热温度100℃。47938

    Abstract Atractylodes macrocephala, were found in “shanghanzabinglun”. Compositae Atractylodes to dry rhizome medicine,bitter, sweet and warm. nourish lung-qi, warm stomach and invigorate spleen. Percolate dampness and disinhibit water, antiperspirant and tocolysis. Mataji qi deficiency and pregnancy is not solid tire air of spontaneous unrest. Atractylodes macrocephala as a traditional Chinese medicine clinical and commonly used in tonic Chinese traditional medicine, vulgar “north south surgery Participation”, “ten nine patients” in the world, it is a long history of extensive drug efficacy through the ages. This paper reviews the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Atractylodes macrocephala, andconducted a preliminary study of its chemical constituents of ethyl acetate phase, Optimize the extraction process of Atractylodes macrocephala polysaccharides. By repeating silica gel column chromatography, gel filtration chromatography, preparative liquid chromatography, etc., which compounds were isolated, by NMR spectroscopy data identified as 4-methoxy-2’,4’-dihydroxy chalcone. In Atractylodes polysaccharides extraction process test, measured Atractylodes polysaccharides optimum extraction conditions: liquid ratio of 1:8,the heating time is 1h,the heating temperature of 100℃.

    毕业论文关键词:白术; 乙酸乙酯; 提取工艺; 化学成分

      Keyword: Atractylodes macrocephala; Ethyl; Extraction Process; Chemical Constituents

    目   录

    第一章 绪论 5

    1.1  白术的地理分布研究 5

    1.2  白术的生药学研究 5

    1.2.1 植物学形态 5

    1.2.2 生长习性 5

    1.3  白术的化学成分研究 6

    1.3.1 白术中挥发油类成分 6

    1.3.2 白术中内酯类成分 6

    1.3.3白术中苷类成分 6

    1.3.4 白术中多糖类成分 6

    1.3.5 白术中微量元素类成分 7

    1.4  白术的药理作用研究 7

    1.4.1 抗衰老作用 7

    1.4.2 促进肠胃蠕动作用 7

    1.4.3 免疫调节作用 7

    1.4.4 抗肿瘤作用 7

    1.4.5 调节神经系统作用 7

    1.4.6 降血脂作用 7

    第二章 白术乙酸乙酯部位化学成分研究 8

    2.1  仪器与试剂

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