
    摘要富含淀粉的食品经油炸和焙烤等高温加工可形成有害物质丙烯酰胺,寻找有效的措施来抑制食品中的丙烯酰胺的形成具有重要的现实意义。多酚化合物具有多种生物活性及药理作用,而关于多酚对油炸食品中丙烯酰胺影响的研究却不多见。本研究选择了原花青素,槲皮素,4-香豆酸和咖啡酸四种多酚物质,考察它们对油炸马铃薯条中丙烯酰胺产生的影响,并优化其最佳抑制条件。然后通过构建葡萄糖—天冬酰胺模拟体系,初步研究了其抑制机理。实验结果表明,在多酚化合物浓度为10-2mol/L时,4-香豆酸对炸薯条中的丙烯酰胺抑制率最大,达79.78%;采用模拟体系研究时发现,槲皮素在10-9mol/L的浓度时有最大抑制率,为68.1%, 4-香豆酸在10-3mol/L时有最大抑制率,为65.02%,咖啡酸在10-3mol/L时有最大抑制率,为74.44%,原花青素在10-4mol/L时有最大抑制率,为69.97%。火龙果提取液在10-3mg/mL时有最大抑制率, 最大抑制率为49.13%。芒果提取液在10-1 mg/mL时有最大抑制率, 最大抑制率为28.03%。46967


    Abstract Starchy foods when experienced high-temperature process, such as frying and baking,can form harmful substances——acrylamide, finding effective measures to inhibit acrylamide in foods has important practical significance. Polyphenolic compounds have good biochemical and pharmacological effects, but the polyphenol research on the impact of acrylamide in fried food is limited. This study selected four polyphenols— Procyanidins, Quercetin, P-Coumaric acid and Caffeic acid to study their effect on acrylamide in fried potato strips and optimized experiments. Then by building glucose - asparagine model system, we preliminarily studied its inhibition mechanism. The experimental results show that, when the concentration of polyphenol compounds is 10-2 mol/L, the inhibition rate of P- Coumaric acid against acrylamide in fries food achieves the maximum 79.78%;Using simulation system research, it is found that the inhibition rate of Quercetin against acrylamide in fries potato chips achieves the maximum 68.1%, when the concentration of polyphenol compounds is 10-9 mol/L. P-Coumaric acid has the maximum inhibition rate 65.02% when the concentration is 10-3mol/L, Caffeic acid is 74.44% when the concentration is 10-3 mol/L, and Procyanidins is 69.97% when the concentration is 10-4mol/L. Pitaya extract has the maximum inhibition rate 49.13% when the concentration is 10-3 mg/mL, and mango extract is 28.03% when the concentration is 10-1 mg/mL . 

    Keyword: Acrylamide;Polyphenolic compounds;Fried foods;Inhibition

    目    录

    1  引言··6

    1.1 热加工食品中的丙烯酰胺·6

    1.2 抑制食品中丙烯酰胺产生的途径·6

    1.3 多酚化合物的研究进展6

    1.4 立题意义7

    1.5 研究内容7

    2 试验材料与方法7

    2.1 试验材料7

    2.1.1 原料与试剂··7

    2.1.2 仪器与设备··7

    2.2 试验方法8

    2.2.1 丙烯酰胺的检测及抑制率计算8标准溶液的配制与曲线绘制·8高效液相色谱条件8样品测定··8丙烯酰胺抑制率的计算··8

    2.2.2 天门冬酰胺与还原糖模拟体系的建立·8

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