    Effect of several grains on blood glucose in mice
    China is a big country of production and consumption of cereals. Grains have many biological functions and attracted more and more attention. The mouse experiments method to study the low GI levels of grains, mung beans, barley, chickpeas, and its mixture with delay effect of postprandial blood glucose response.
    Result: The mung bean, barley, chickpeas, sticky Rice flour according to different proportion make up the six kinds of grains powder. Formula one: 11.25% mung bean, 26.25% barleys, 37.5% chickpeas; Formula two: 26.25% mung bean, 11.25% barleys, 37.5% chickpeas; Formula three: 37.25% mung bean, 11.25% barleys, 26.25% chickpeas; Formula four: 11.25% mung bean, 37.25% barleys, 26.25% chickpeas; Formula five: 26.25% mung bean, 37.25% barleys, 11.25% chickpeas; Formula six: 37.25% mung bean, 26.25% barleys, 11.25% chickpeas. The formula differed so the final extrusion molding engineering grains rice of the GI value is different. Such as formula one’s GI value is 41.23; formula tow’s GI value is 42.31; formula three’s GI value is 44.18; formula four’s GI value is 44.23; formula five’s GI value is 40.13; formula six’s GI value is 44.23; formula five’s GI value is 42.21. From the above results, the extrusion and engineering grains rice are low GI foods. The formula five’s GI value is lowest.
    In addition, the effects of different processing conditions, such as billing, steaming, frying, roasting and extruding processing,and processing time of the grains on blood glucose in mice. The billed grains powder processing methods on the changes of GI value of the maximum. The fried grains powder processing methods on the changes of GI value of the minimum. For example, the boiled grains powder’s GI value is 54.30,the steamed grains powder’s GI value is44.7, the fried grains powder’s GI value is 60, the average human GI value is39.82,the roasted grains powder’s GI value is 43.16, the extruded grains powder ‘s GI value is 40.16.The processing time is lengthened, grains increased GI level. Therefore, this study adopts the grains engineering rice production methods used in extrusion. In order to make sure that the GI value is as low as possible. It is recommended that the time of the re - processing be reduced as far as possible.
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