    摘要:本课题是以山药和脱脂奶粉原料研制的一款复合饮料。主要研究了山药的防褐变护色处理工艺,单体增稠剂、复配增稠剂的筛选和组合、均质等工艺对产品稳定性的影响。研究了山药浆的酶解工艺条件,山药复合饮料的配方及其制作工艺。结果显示:通过复配护色剂(2.0%食盐、0.35%柠檬酸、0.06%异抗坏血酸钠)处理(浸泡20min)下的山药护色效果最佳。10g山药底物加入0.1gα-淀粉酶在95℃水浴条件下酶解15min;10g山药底物加入0.002g糖化酶在55℃水浴条件下酶解90min。通过正交实验得出山药复合饮料的最佳配方是:山药浆液与脱脂奶粉(配比为1∶2)、4%加糖量、料液比(1:6)、复合稳定剂(0.15%KELCOGEL○RHA-B;0.08%KELCOGEL ○RHS-B;0.02%KELCOGEL○RHMBP-C)。以此配方和工艺制作的复合饮料是一款甜度适中、营养丰富的饮品。31967
    The Research of Anti-browning yam and the Production of Yam Compound Beverage
    Abstract: This subject is developed with Chinese yam and skimmed milk powder raw materials of a compound milk beverage. In this paper mainly discusses the yam anti browning color shield treatment process, monomer thickening agent, selection and combination of compound thickener, effect of homogenization process on the product. The technology of enzymatic hydrolysis of yam pulp was studied, and the formula of compound beverage and its production technology were studied. The results showed that:Through the compound color fixative (2%salt, 0.35%citric acid, 0.06% Sodium D-isoascorbate )with yam(for 20min) best protect color effect. 10g yam substrates for 0.1g - amylase at 95 ℃ water bath under the condition of enzymatic hydrolysis of 15min;10g yam substrates for 0.002g glycation enzymes for 55 ℃ water bath under the conditions of enzymic 90 min .Through the optimal formula of orthogonal experiments of yam compound milk beverage is: Yam and skimmed milk powder  (ratio of 1: 2)、4% sugar、The ratio of material to liquid (1:6)、Compound stabilizer(KELCOGEL○RHA-B is 0.15%;KELCOGEL ○RHS-B is 0.08%;KELCOGEL○RHMBP-C is 0.02%). In this formulation and fabrication of composite beverage is a moderate sweetness, nutritious drinks.
    Key Words: beverage; yam;     protective coloration; enzymatic; stability
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 山药复合饮料的国内外概况    1
    1.2 山药概述    1
    1.2.1 山药的营养价值    2
    1.2.2 山药的药用价值    2
    1.2.3 山药在食品加工中的应用    2
    1.3 酶促褐变    3
    1.3.1 原理    3
    1.3.2 控制方法    3
    1.4 酶制剂    3
    1.4.1  α-淀粉酶    4
    1.4.2  β-淀粉酶    4
    1.5 影响饮料品质的因素    4
    1.5.1 增稠剂    4
    1.5.2 均质    5
    1.5.3 杀菌    6
    1.6 本课题的研究目的和意义    6
    2 材料与方法    7
    2.1 实验材料    7
    2.2 仪器与设备    7
    2.3 实验方法    7
    2.3.1 工艺流程及操作要点    7
    2.3.2 色度测定    8
    2.3.3 固形物含量的测定    8
    2.3.4 复合饮料感官评分    8
    2.3.5 稳定性实验    9
    3 结果与讨论    9
    3.1 山药护色工艺的研究    9
    3.1.1 单体护色剂对山药护色的影响    9
    3.1.2 护色剂复配对山药护色的影响    15
    3.1.3 复配护色剂对山药护色效果的验证实验    16
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