    摘要:蛋糕起源于欧洲,但近些年来在中国迅速发展。海绵蛋糕是蛋糕种类中最常见的种类之一。近年来,因为禽流感事件的多发,因此现在,在烘焙食品行业推荐使用更加安全稳定的全蛋粉。本实验目的在于对全蛋粉海绵蛋糕的配方、工艺条件进行研究,选择出最优的配方及工艺条件,最大程度的改良全蛋粉海绵蛋糕的口感。实验结果表明:蛋粉最优复水条件为复水时间30min,复水温度50 ℃,料液比1︰2;全蛋粉海绵蛋糕的最佳配方 (焙烤百分比):低筋面粉100%,全蛋粉56%,糖粉100%,蛋糕油8%,水17%,盐1.2%;全蛋粉海绵蛋糕的最佳工艺顺序:蛋粉复水→复水蛋液、糖搅打→加蛋糕油高速搅打→加水搅打→加面粉、泡打粉搅打均匀→加油、盐搅打→浇模→烘烤→出炉→脱模→冷却→成品。24733
    毕业论文关键词:全蛋粉  海绵蛋糕  复水  工艺
    The design of whole egg powder Sponge Cake
    formulation and process conditions
    Abstract: Cake originated in Europe, however, this branch of industry has developed very fast in china in recent years.  In recent years, more frequent regional issues of bird flu, so in the baked food industry promote the use of more secure and reliable whole egg powder. The objective of this experiment research were the whole egg powder formula and processing technology of producing sponge cake, the selection of the optimal formulation and process conditions, and the improvement of whole egg powder Sponge Cake taste. The experimental result shows: whole egg powder for the best after water conditions 30min,water bath, 50 ℃, water and whole egg powder ratio is 2:1; Whole egg powder sponge cake the best material combination for sponge cake (baking percentage): 100% flour, whole egg powder 56%, sugar powder 100%, cake oil 8%, water 17%,salt 1.2%; Whole egg powder sponge cake for the best technology order: complex egg powder → eggs, sugar water and beat →add cake oil beat → adding water beat → add flour, baking powder beat→ add salt and oil beat →pouring mold→baking →demoulding→cooling→finished product.
    KeyWords: whole egg powder; sponge cake; after water; process
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 蛋糕的基本介绍    1
    1.2 影响全蛋粉海绵蛋糕质量的因素    2
    1.2.1 全蛋粉复水条件的影响    2
    1.2.2 面糊搅打时间的影响    2
    1.2.3 海绵蛋糕基本配方的影响    2
    1.2.4 制作工艺条件的影响    3
    1.3 本课题的研究目的和内容    4
    2 材料与方法    5
    2.1 实验材料    5
    2.2仪器与设备    5
    2.3 实验方法    5
    2.3.1海绵蛋糕的参考配方    5
    2.3.2 海绵蛋糕的参考制作工艺流程    6
    2.3.3 蛋糕比容的测定方法    6
    2.3.4 全蛋粉海绵蛋糕的感官评定标准    7
    2.3.5 物性的测定实验    7
    3 结果与讨论    8
    3.1 全蛋粉复水条件对全蛋粉海绵蛋糕质量的影响    8
    3.1.1 全蛋粉复水条件的单因子实验研究    8
    3.1.2 全蛋粉复水条件的正交试验    11
    3.1.3 全蛋粉最佳复水条件的验证实验    13
    3.2 全蛋粉海绵蛋糕基本配方的确定    14
    3.2.1 全蛋粉海绵蛋糕中各种配料使用量的确定    14
    3.2.2 全蛋粉海绵蛋糕配料组合的正交实验    19
    3.2.3 全蛋粉海绵蛋糕最佳配料组合的验证实验    21
    3.3 全蛋粉海绵蛋糕的工艺对全蛋粉海绵蛋糕质量的影响    22
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