
    摘 要:使用模塑成型方法,在聚氨酯泡沫塑料中加入淮薯淀粉,制备不同淀粉填充量的外观和力学性能良好的聚氨酯泡沫塑料,最大填充量达45 % ,并研究填料用量对聚氨酯泡沫塑料力学性能的影响。研究表明: 随着NCO/OH比值的增大,泡沫的拉伸强度、撕裂强度、断裂伸长率都随之增大,但尺寸稳定性相应变差。因此,NCO/OH的最宜摩尔比为1.05:1。不同淮薯淀粉用量对产品性能的泡沫塑料的拉伸强度、撕裂强度和断裂伸长率都相应减小,同时制品的尺寸稳定性随之降低。淀粉含量的增加不仅会使材料具有更为优异的降解性能,也会降低产品的生产成本。因此,合适的淀粉加入量为20%~30%。54485


    Abstract: Using the molding method, Huai potato starch added in the polyurethane foam, to prepare a good appearance and mechanical properties of different polyurethane foam filling amount of starch, 45% of the maximum filling capacity and to study the amount of filler the mechanical properties of polyurethane foam affected. Studies show that: with increasing NCO / OH ratio, the tensile strength of the foam, tear strength, elongation at break are increased, but the size stability deteriorates accordingly. Therefore, NCO / OH molar ratio is most preferably 1.05:1. Huai different tensile strength potato starch amount of foam performance, tear strength and elongation at break are reduced accordingly, and the dimensional stability decreases. Will not only increase the starch content of the material has more excellent performance degradation will reduce the production cost of the product. Therefore, an appropriate amount of starch is 20% to 30%.

    Keyword:  Polyurethanes, starch, slow rebound

    目   录

    1  前言 4

    1.1  聚氨酯慢回弹泡沫 4

    1.1.1  聚氨酯泡沫的基本反应 4

    1.1.2  聚氨酯慢回弹泡沫的制备工艺 6

    1.2.3  聚氨酯慢回弹泡沫的应用及研究现状 6

    1.3  淮薯淀粉 8

    1.3.1  淮薯淀粉的结构 8

    1.3.2  淀粉在聚氨酯中的应用现状 9

    1.4  本文的研究内容和意义 10

    1.4.1  目的与意义 10

    1.4.2   内容 10

    2   实验部分 11

    2.1  实验原料及仪器 11

    2.2  实验方法 11

    2.2.1  淀粉改性新型环保聚氨酯泡沫的制备 11

    2.2.2   力学性能测试 12

    3  结果与分析 12

    3.1  工艺条件的考察 12

    3.1.1   NCO/OH比值的影响 12

    3.1.2  淀粉含量对聚氨酯泡沫的影响 13

    3.1.3  淀粉含量在聚氨酯泡沫体最大填充量 13

    3.1.4  聚氨酯泡沫塑料的红外光谱分析 14

    结论 15

    参考文献 16

    致谢 17

    1  前言

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