    通过骨水比的单因素试验确定了1:1的骨水比最佳,测得的鸡肉蛋白质:30.35%;鸡骨蛋白质:26.13%;鸡汤蛋白质:2.71%;鸡汤灰分:0.17%;鸡肉脂肪:9.4%;鸡骨脂肪:8.91%;鸡汤可溶性固形物含量:3 Brix。蒸煮时间试验确定了90 min的蒸煮时间为最佳,测得的鸡肉蛋白质:26.32%;鸡骨蛋白质:24.13%;鸡汤蛋白质:5.78%;鸡汤灰分:0.29%;鸡肉脂肪:7.8%;鸡骨脂肪:7.83%;鸡汤可溶性固形物含量:4 Brix。
    上面三个实验条件条件优化完成后,通过调节添加剂的用量得到最佳的浓缩型鸡肉复合调料。本次试验通过单因素试验和正交试验确定复合调料的最佳配方为:鸡汤20 ml,鸡骨酶解液17 ml,鸡肉酶解液10 ml,鸡油3 ml。盐14%,糖1%,精3%,白芷粉0.1%,I+G 0.5%,单甘脂0.5%,野素0.5%,麦芽糊精35%、卡拉胶4.5%。
    Study on the concentratedChicken tasteCompound condiment
    Abstract:Chicken bones, which have a high content of protein but lower price, were used as the experimental materials. The degree of hydrolysis, protein content, crude fat content, solid content were the indicators. The single factor test was used to study the enzymatic process of chicken skeleton hydrolyzed byflavourzyme, and by comparing the effect of various conditions on the hydrolysis of chicken skeleton to get the optimum conditions of hydrolysis of chicken skeleton. Then through compounding various condiments intothe hydrolysate to get the best the concentrated chicken taste compound condiment.
    The single factor experiment determined the optimal ratio of bone/water was 1:1, the chicken protein content: 30.35%; the protein content of chicken bone: 26.13%; proteincontent in chicken soup: 2.71%; chicken ash content 0.17%; chicken fat: 9.4%; fat in chicken bone: 8.91%; soluble solid content of chicken soup: 3 Brix.The optimal cooking time was 90min: chicken protein: 26.32%; the protein of chicken bone: 24.13%; protein inchicken soup: 5.78%; chicken soup ash: 0.29%; fat in chicken: 7.8%; fat in chicken bone: 7.83%;soluble solidcontent of chicken soup: 4 Brix..
    The optimal enzymatic hydrolysis conditions was determined by the single factor experiment of enzyme concentration, hydrolysis time, the optimalenzyme solution conditions for chicken were: enzymatic time: 3.5h; substrate concentration: 30%; enzyme concentration: 0.75%; the optimal enzyme solution conditions of chicken bone were: enzymatic time: 3.5h; substrate concentration: 25%; enzyme concentration: 1%.
    After the optimization of the above three experimental conditions , then the dosage of additives was adjusted to obtain the best concentrated chicken flavor compound condiment. By the single factor experiment and the orthogonal experiment, the best formula of compound condiment was:chicken soup 20 ml;chicken bone hydrolysate17 ml;chicken hydrolysate10 ml;chicken oil3 ml;salt 14%; sugar 1%; monosodiumglutamate 3%;angelica powder 0.1%; I+G 0.5%; monostearin0.5%;wild principle 0.5%;maltodextrin 35%; carrageenan 4.5%.
    Key Words:Concentrated chicken taste compound condiment;Chicken;Chicken bone;Flavourzyme
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