


     Effect of processing technology on the quality of yoghourt 

    Abstract: Yoghourt gradually become essential drinks in daily life, the sensory aspects of Yoghourt is an important indicator of whether the consumer can accept, this project analysed and evaluated different processing step yoghurt mainly from the following four aspects, the color, smell, taste and shape. Therefore we can further understand and control the quality of products to provide reference for the quality control of yoghurt. This project aims at seven steps of processing, which are raw materials, ingredients, sterilization, fermentation, cooling after turning cylinder, filling and finishing to analysis yoghurt. The colorimeter in the case of keeping the environment was mainly used to anlyze the color of certain dairy products. GC-MS and electronic nose were used to analyze the aroma components of various kinds of yoghurt samples. The changes of acidity between different samples were observed by using acid-base titration method. Texture analyzer and viscometer  were used to discriminate the shape analysis on four sample milk, which are fermented milk, after turning cylinder cooling milk, bottling milk and finished milk, from several aspects, such as brittleness, viscosity, elasticity, cohesion, viscosity, chewiness and resilience. The results showed that the fermentation process has greatest impact on color, and flavor compounds of yoghurt aroma mainly form in the fermentation process, the cooling will place richer flavors into yoghurt, which is the result of flavour compounds balancing with each other. As for taste, fermentation process will make the pH value less than 4.7 and acidity to increase by about 60 pH value. In terms of organization status: yoghurt makes the raw milk form a semi-solid because of the precipitate, for example protein, from the isoelectric point and cooling process enable demulsificated yoghurt to cool rapidly, meanwhile the viscosity will increase to form a harder status and organization structure. The objective data of color, smell, taste and shape from instrumental analysis can complement artificial sensory evaluation data to lay the foundation for the establishment of objective and reliable sensory quality control standards in long-term storage.

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