    摘要:在传统俄罗斯格瓦斯的制作工艺的基础上,以麦芽作为发酵原料,对发酵菌种酵母与乳酸菌、发酵条件、饮料调配等方面进行优化研究。利用正交实验,以酸度、感官评鉴等为标准优选出最佳发酵工艺,并进行调配,制成一款工艺简化、可大面积生产、满足中国市场的新型格瓦斯发酵饮料。实验所得到的发酵工艺参数为:乳酸菌的接种量1011/L为乳酸菌和酵母菌比例为10:0.5;发酵时间为40h;发酵温度为30oC。按照本工艺得到的发酵麦汁,醇香浓郁、泡沫充足,可做饮料调配的基料。在此基料的基础上,进行加糖、调酸、增稠、充气等过程,其成品饮料的最佳调配配方为:发酵基料量60%w/w,蜂蜜添加量2%,白砂糖添加量4%,甜蜜素添加量0.03%,利体素添加量0.3%,苏打水30%,pH4.0,蜂蜜香精0.04% ,甜酿香精0.02%,最终制成了一款酸甜可口、清爽怡人的新型格瓦斯饮料。20993
    关键词: 格瓦斯;发酵;麦芽;乳酸菌;正交试验
    Design on process optimization of Kvass fermented beverages
    Abstract:This work focused on improving the traditional kvass production processes, including raw materials, fermentation bacteria, fermentation conditions, beverage formulas and other aspects. Orthogonal experiment method was used to select the optimum conditions and the best formula of kvass. Above all, this paper aimed at detruding a kind of new-style kvass which could be produced by simple fermentation processes and earns great potential to step into Chinese market.Experiment resulted indicate that the optimum fermentation condition was : lactobacillus and yeast ratio was 10:0.5, fermentation temperature was 30°C, fermentation time was 40h. According to this process, we can easily get the good-tasting base which can be used to make kvass. Fermented wort was rich mellow, abundant bubble and the base material of beverage.Best deployment of finished beverage was : the base material is 60%w/w , honey was 2% , suger was 4% , (beet) molasses was 0.03% , litesse was 0.3% , carbonated water was 30% , pH4.0 , honey flavor was 0.04% , tuffed sweet flavor was 0.02% . According to the deployment, we got a kind of new-style kvass.
    Key words:  Kvass;Fermentation; Malt; Lactic acid; Orthogonal experiment
    目  录
    1. 前言    1
    1.1. 发酵饮料的概述    1
    1.1.1. 发酵饮料的种类    1
    1.1.2. 乳酸菌的功能    1
    1.1.3. 乳酸菌在功能饮料中的应用    2
    1.2. 格瓦斯的介绍    3
    1.2.1. 格瓦斯的来历    3
    1.2.2. 格瓦斯的品质与功效    3
    1.2.3. 各种新型格瓦斯的研制    3
    1.3. 研究目的    4
    1.4. 研究意义    4
    2. 实验材料与方法    5
    2.1. 实验材料    5
    2.1.1. 实验材料与试剂    5
    2.1.2. 实验仪器设备    5
    2.2. 实验技术路线    6
    2.3. 实验方法    7
    2.3.1. 发酵基料的制备    7
    2.3.3. 发酵条件优化(正交试验)    10
    2.3.4. 饮料调配    11
    2.3.5. 感官评价与理化性质检测    12
    2.3.6. 杀菌冷藏    13
    3. 结果与讨论    13
    3.1. 发酵工艺探索    13
    3.1.1. 乳酸菌添加量单因素实验    14
    3.1.2. 酵母菌添加量单因素实验    14
    3.1.3. 发酵温度单因素实验    15
    3.2. 发酵条件优化(正交实验)    15
    3.2.1. 各因素对糖度的影响    17
    3.2.2. 各因素对终点pH的影响    17
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