    Study of the duck fat treated by the method of “enzyme and mild heating oxidation”
    Abstract: Oxidized fat provides the precursor of meat flavor. This article mainly studied the best hydrolysis-oxidizing condition of the duck fat. Taking the lipolysis rate as index, the single factor experiment was carried on to obtain the optimization hydrolysis parameter. Factors which were needed to optimize were pH, the enzyme content, the substrate concentration, temperature and time. And the optimal hydrolysis conditions were: pH6.70, the enzyme content 0.15%, the substrate concentration 30%, temperature 50℃ and time 4h. Then taking acid value (AV), peroxide value (PV) and p-anisidine value (p-AV) as index, the single factor tests were used in optimizing the oxidization of duck fat. And air flow, oxidation temperature and oxidation time were the oxidation factors. The duck fat with different oxidation time were test by e-nose. The outcome showed that the optimum oxidation condition were: air flow 25L/h(20g duck fat); oxidation temperature 90℃; oxidation time 4h. The results of the gas chromatograph - mass spectrometry of optimize hydrolysis-oxidizing duck fat indicated that aldehydes and ketones were two of the most abundant substances. They were the main product of the fat oxidation. The fatty acids of the duck fat with the optimal hydrolysis condition were studied, and 6 saturated and 5 unsaturated fatty acids were identified.
    Key Words: duck fat; enzyme and mild heating oxidation; lipolytic rate; GC-MS; electronic nose
    1绪论    1
    1.1 肉香精    1
    1.1.1 概述    1
    1.1.2 性质与制法    1
    1.1.3 应用    1
    1.1.4 国内外研究进展    2
    1.2 肉类脂肪制备肉香精的研究    2
    1.2.1 风前体物质    2
    1.2.2 脂肪的作用    3
    1.2.3 脂肪酶    3
    1.2.4氧化方法    4
    1.3鸭肉脂肪氧化的研究进展    4
    1.4研究目的和意义    5
    1.5主要研究内容    5
    2实验材料和方法    7
    2.1 实验材料    7
    2.1.1材料试剂    7
    2.1.2 仪器设备    8
    2.2 实验方法    8
    2.2.1 脂肪酶酶活力的测定    8
    2.2.2 鸭油酶解工艺    9
    2.2.3 酶解鸭油氧化工艺    9
    2.2.4 酸价(A.V.)的测定    9
    2.2.5 皂化价的测定    10
    2.2.6脂解率的测定    10
    2.2.7 过氧化值(P.V.)的测定    10
    2.2.8 茴香胺值(p-AV)的测定    11
    2.2.9 脂肪酸组成的测定    12
    2.2.10 GC-MS分析样品风成分    12
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