    Preparation of design asparagus physiologically active substances extracted and beverages
    Abstract: This paper focuses on the characteristics of asparagus contains more flavonoids, rutin content and the juice was the indexes by single factor experiments and orthogonal optimization identified cellulase asparagus extract rutin process conditions, and compared the Other auxiliary method to extract rutin content asparagus impact on the final flavor of asparagus drinks were deployed. The results showed that: (1) asparagus extract rutin as an extraction solvent is water, cellulase enzyme hydrolysis, solid-liquid ratio of 1:25, the enzyme dosage of 40U / g, hydrolysis at pH 5.3, rutin extraction rate under 50 ℃ under the conditions of the highest enzymatic 130min, rutin extraction rate of 17.052%, 68.209% rate of asparagus juice. (2) Through the color, smell, taste and sediment comprehensive evaluation of products, and finally determine the best formula is: liquid ratio is 1:6, the amount of sugar is added 10% citric acid added in an amount of 0.15%. Asparagus old stems to drink as a raw material, low price, low cost, using it to produce beverage can both reduce its pollution to the environment, but also to produce a product with health functions, improve economic efficiency, low-carbon energy.
    Key word: rutin; extraction; beverage
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  芦笋的发展概况    1
    1.2  芦笋的开发利用    1
    1.2.1  芦笋的营养成分    1
    1.2.2  芦笋的活性物质    1
    1.2.3  芦笋的药用价值    2
    1.2.4  芦笋的开发利用现状及发展前景    4
    1.3  芦丁的提取技术    4
    1.3.1  乙醇溶液提取法    4
    1.3.2  纤文素酶水溶液提取法    5
    1.3.3  超声波辅助提取法    5
    1.3.4  微波辅助提取法    5
    1.4  饮料的制备工艺    6
    1.4.1  工艺流程    6
    1.4.2  烫漂护色    6
    1.4.3  感官评价    6
    1.5  本课题研究的目的和意义    6
    材料与方法    8
    2.1  实验材料    8
    2.2  实验试剂    8
    2.3  实验仪器设备    8
    2.4  实验方法    9
    2.4.1  水分含量的测定    9
    2.4.2  芦丁标准曲线的测定    9
    2.4.3  纤文素酶对芦笋中芦丁提取效率和出汁率影响的研究流程    10
    2.4.4  微波辅助处理对芦笋中芦丁含量和出汁率的影响    10
    2.4.5  冷冻处理对芦笋中芦丁含量和出汁率的影响    10
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