    Study on the Development of Caramel Sweet Flavor with Maillard Reaction  
    Abstract:Caramel sweet flavor was made from glucose and glycine with Maillard reaction, the aroma of which is suitable for coffee use. Firstly, through the sensory evaluation on carbohydrate and amino acid reaction products, it was found that the glucose and glycine products obtained by the Maillard reaction are more suitable to be used as substrates for improving the essence of coffee flavor, compared with the combinations of other carbohydrates and amino acids. Secondly, by single factor and response surface method tests, and with the panel score by sensory evaluation, the Maillard reaction products have the highest value at the optimal conditions based on 91.2minutes of the reaction time, 119℃ of the reaction temperature, 35.37% of the concentration and 6.10 of the pH in reaction systems. Finally, GC-MS was used for aroma components analysis of Maillard reaction products.
    Keywords: Glucose; glycine; Maillard reaction; Response Surface methods; GC-MS
    目   录
    1 前言    1
    1.1美拉德反应    1
    1.1.1 美拉德反应初级反应阶段    1
    1.1.2 美拉德反应高级反应阶段    2
    1.2 美拉德反应研究现状    3
    1.2.1 美拉德反应在食品加工中的应用    3
    1.3 影响美拉德反应的因素    5
    1.3.1糖    5
    1.3.2 氨基酸    6
    1.3.3 温度    6
    1.3.4 加热时间    6
    1.3.5 pH值    7
    1.3.6 反应体系含水量    7
    1.4 GC-MS概述    7
    1.5本课题研究目的及意义    8
    2 实验材料和方法    10
    2.1 实验材料    10
    2.1.1 实验材料及试剂    10
    2.1.2 主要仪器及设备    10
    2.2 实验方法    11
    2.2.1 美拉德反应的基本方法    11
    2.2.2 美拉德产物感官评定    11
    2.2.3美拉德反应产物致香成分分析    11
    3 结果与讨论    13
    3.1 糖的筛选    13
    3.2 氨基酸的筛选    13
    3.3 美拉德反应条件的优化    14
    3.3.1 美拉德反应体系pH值的确定    14
    3.3.2 美拉德反应体系含水量的确定    16
    3.3.3 美拉德反应时间的确定    17
    3.3.4 美拉德反应温度的确定    18
    3.4 美拉德反应的响应面实验    19
    3.4.1 响应面实验    19
    3.4.2 美拉德反应响应面方差的二次模型    20
    3.4.3 响应面曲线的非线性回归方程    21
    3.4.4 响应面实验的等高线图和响应曲面图    21
    3.4.5 响应面实验最优点的选取    24
    3.4.6 最佳工艺条件的验证实验    25
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