    摘要: 美拉德反应,是羰基化合物和氨基化合物之间在加热后发生的一种非酶促棕色化反应 ,在当今食品工业中非常普遍,且应用十分的广泛。在不同的条件及体系下,美拉德反应可以产生具备不同香型和香气特征的物质。美拉德反应是天然的反应香料的主要来源。在美拉德反应过程中,会产生一种非常重要的反应中间体,称为Amadori化合物,这种中间体大部分主要是白色或者微偏黄色的固体,易溶于水,无,是一种致香前体物。39453
    Synthesis and identification of Maillard reaction intermediate
    Abstract: Maillard reaction is the reaction between carbonyl compound and amino compounds, is widely used in food industry of enzymatic reaction brown. Under the different conditions and systems, maillard reaction can generate different flavor and aroma characteristics of the material. Maillard reaction is the main source of natural reaction flavor. Amadori compound is intermediate product in the process of maillard reaction, the intermediates are mostly white or slightly yellow solid, soluble in water, no smell, is an important aroma precursors.This topic is to research synthesis of Amadori compound in using D–xylose and L-cysteine as the main raw material for maillard reaction synthesis.  Under the condition of no water system, xylose - cysteine system under the conditions of methanol reflux heating, 61 degrees Celsius reaction 6 hours, adding suitable amount of potassium carbonate as catalyst in maillard reactionUnder the water system,At 60 70 80 90 degrees Celsius reaction 30min 45min 60min 75min 90min, containing Amadori compound ‘1- L-cysteine -1- deoxy - 2 - xylulose’ samples for research. Through chemical development process can be a preliminary identification of the Amadori compounds, and by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the identification and research. Xylose - cysteine system of Amadori compound preparation, optimization synthesis method for food in the maillard reaction intermediates research significance, research on food flavouring, also provide reliable appraisal method, and can expand the significance of maillard reaction intermediates applications.
    Key Words: D–xylose; L-cysteine; Maillard reaction ;Amadori compound;1- L-cysteine -1- deoxy - 2 - xylulose
    1.绪论    5
    1.1 美拉德反应概述    5
    1.1.1 美拉德反应的历程    5
    1.1.2 美拉德反应的影响因素    7
    1.1.3 美拉德反应的机理    8
    1.2 美拉德反应与食品增香    8
    1.3 美拉德反应的研究进展    9
    1.4 本课题的研究意义和目的    10
    2 实验器材与过程    11
    2.1 原料与试剂    11
    2.2 仪器与设备    11
    2.3 木糖-半胱氨酸体系Amadori化合物的制备    12
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