    摘要:本研究通过比较不同配比类型的酒糟-牛粪堆肥基质对不同类瓜果类蔬菜幼苗生长的影响,从而筛选出适合西瓜、黄瓜、番茄生长的育苗基质。用腐熟的牛粪堆肥、酒糟、蛭石为原料复配不同基质,研究不同配比基质的理化性质,及其在蔬菜育苗中的应用效果。结果表明复配基质的EC、pH和通气孔隙要比单纯堆肥、酒糟低;酒糟、牛粪堆肥、蛭石体积比为65:15:20 (T5) 与 70:10:20 (T6) 的复合基质各项理化性质均在瓜果类蔬菜幼苗生长的适宜范围内,该基质配方培育的瓜果类蔬菜幼苗根茎体积、百株鲜重、根系活力、叶绿素总量均高于其他配方。西瓜、黄瓜、番茄幼苗生长指标与基质EC、碱解氮、速效钾的相关性达到显著或极显著水平,且与基质中碱解氮含量相关性最高。[结论]根据不同瓜果类蔬菜幼苗的生长状况,T6作为西瓜育苗基质的效果较好,T5作为黄瓜、番茄育苗基质的效果较好,可作为其穴盘育苗的推荐配方。30127
    Screening of melon and fruit of vegetables grown substrate from different vinasse and cow dung composts mixtures
    Abstract:In order to choose the proper substrate ratio for the watermelon, cucumber and tomato, we compared the effect of different vinasse and cow dung composts mixtures on the fruits and vegetable seedlings growth. Decomposed cow dung composts, vinasse and vermiculite were choosen as raw materials for different substrate compositions, physical and chemical properties of the different ratio substrates were determined and the application effect of those substrates on seedling growth was studied. The results showed that adding a certain amount of vermiculite into vinasse and cow dung composts decreased pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and aeration porosity of substrate. Two formulas which were vinasse, cow dung composts, vermiculite was 65:15:25 (T5) and vinasse, cow dung composts, vermiculite was 70:10:20 (T6) showed advantage in the physical and chemical properties. The growth indexes of watermelon, cucumber and tomato seedlings were significantly correlated with the available N, electrical conductivity (EC) and available K in the substrate, and the correlation with available N was highest. In addition, seedlings grown in T5 and T6 were better than other eight treatments in the physiological index of seedlings, such as root and stem volume, hundreds strains fresh weight, the root activity, chlorophyll content. For different kinds of fruits and vegetable seedling, T6 was the best formula for watermelon; T5 was more suitable for cucumber and tomato.
    Key words: substrate composition; plug seedling; watermelon; cucumber; tomato
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract.    1
    Key words    1
    材料与方法    2
    1.1  试验材料    2
    1.2  实验设计    3
    1.3  测定项目及方法    3
    1.3.1  基质理化性质的测定    3
    1.3.2  幼苗生长指标测定    3
    1.3.3  生理指标测定    3
    1.4  数据处理    3
    2  结果与分析    3
    2.1  复配基质的理化性质    3
    2.2  复配基质对3种蔬菜幼苗生长的影响    4
    2.3  不同基质配比对3种蔬菜生理指标的影响    5
    2.4  基质特性与蔬菜生长特性关系    6
    3  讨论    8
    致谢    8
    参考文献:    9
    引言:近年来,随着穴盘育苗技术的大面积应用,育苗基质的市场需求量迅速增加。草炭是国内外应用较好的基质材料,但过量开采会导致生态环境被破坏,且其属于非可再生资源,价格昂贵[1],因此,如何就地取材、选择价格低廉的材料替代草炭,成为基质研究的重要任务。利用农业固体有机废弃物生产理化性质稳定,价格低廉,低污染的复合功能性基质已成为研究的热点。Hardreck和Noguera等[2-3]研究了椰糠的理化性质及其在育苗栽培中替代草炭的效果,发现使用椰糠栽培番茄等蔬菜作物,以及月季、万年青、金盏花等供观赏用作物,其效果不亚于泥炭;Medina等[4]认为用不同种类的菇渣与草炭复配,可以满足园艺作物的生长需求,其中双孢蘑菇渣与草炭混合物育苗中,菇渣用量可以高达75%;Marianthi等[5]的研究表明,用30%稻壳:70%草炭栽培地中海白松,其效果比用100%的草炭更好;Gariglio等[6]发现将添加了N素的锯末屑与珍珠岩混配,其对金盏菊和万寿菊的栽培效果良好,可以直接替代草炭,但锯末的体积比例不能超过50%。国内学者也开展了不少这方面的工作,发现蚯蚓粪、甘蔗渣、木薯皮、花生壳和火炭灰、椰糠、醋糟、花生壳、玉米与小麦秸秆、据木屑、芦苇末等[7-14] 经过一定的发酵处理,可用于作物的育苗及栽培。
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