    毕业论文关键词: 叶面肥,水稻,小麦,喷施,叶绿素,产量
    Different water soluble fertilizer was studied in the anti -pre  mature aging, production control and mechanism of the rice wheat in Nanking hills
    Abstract: In order to explore the water soluble fertilizer and xing xin xing xin amway futura element for rice and wheat production regulation, to rice wuyunjing, 16 to 23, of young wheat materials, spraying late in the 1 and 2 times, analyze its chlorophyll change trend, and its production. The results showed that the chlorophyll content of the flagellate was significantly increased in wheat, and the effect of the combination of the polymyronic spray was improved. For control of rice chlorophyll is spraying liquid foliar fertilizer of the break period, are obviously improved in different degrees of the flag leaf chlorophyll content, especially the high concentration of foliar fertilizer treatment. In terms of yield, the amount of grain in the wheat fertilizer was significantly higher than the control. In amway, the high concentration of wheat grains is significantly higher than the low concentration. The grain weight of wheat grain was increased by the combination of the polymyronic spray. On production, the yield of wheat grains was increased with low concentration of fertilizer, but not by comparison. The yield of wheat grains increased significantly under high fertilizer spray. But the differences between different fertilizers were not significant. The output of wheat seed grains increased significantly with all fertilizer treatment. In the case of rice, the weight of all fertilizer treatment was significantly higher than that of comparison, and there was no obvious difference between the fertilizer. To sum up, water soluble fertilizer containing amino acid liquid foliar fertilizer xing xin amway and liquid foliar fertilizer containing humic acid water soluble fertilizer xing xin young rich element in wheat flowering and full panicle stage and rice crevasse and full panicle stage spraying can obviously increase the chlorophyll content, premature aging resistance, thus improve the thousand seed weight and yield of rice and wheat.
    Key words: Foliage spraying; rice; wheat; spray; chlorophyll content; yield

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    2
    1.引言    2
    2. 材料与方法    3
    2.1 供试材料    3
    2.2 试验设计与处理     3
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