
    铝合金以其轻质高强的材料特性,广泛用于航空、汽车工业,但由于其冲压中存在 各种缺陷,成为目前研究的热点。

    本课题以 LY19 型铝合金为例,选取不易成形的不规则盒形件为研究对象,分析了铝 合金不规则盒形件拉深过程的应力状态以及材料流动。借助 CAE 分析软件 Dynaform,建 立铝合金不规则盒形件的有限元数值模型,对影响拉深的模具几何参数、压边力、拉延 筋等工艺参数进行有限元模拟仿真,初步得出各拉深工艺参数的取值范围以及对成形的 影响规律。在此基础上,采用多因素正交的试验分析法,确定了这些因素对拉深成形影 响的显著程度,得出了各因素取值的最优组合,确定了铝合金不规则盒形件的最佳成形 方案。为实际生产中铝合金冲压成形的工艺设计提供参考。69411

    关键词 铝合金不规则盒形件 Dynaform 拉深工艺 正交

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Process Research and Finite Element Analysis of Irregular Shape Aluminum Alloy Box Deep Drawing Forming


    Aluminum alloy, widely used in aviation and automotive industry due to its lightweight and high strength material properties, becomes a research hotspot owing to defects occurred in stamping process.

    In this study, the irregular shape box made of LY19 aluminum was investigated to analyze the material flow and stress state in deep drawing process. The finite element numerical model of irregular shape box was built up via Dynaform , a computer aided engineering (CAE) analysis software commonly used in sheet forming. The finite element simulation on main factors of deep drawing forming, which include geometric parameters, blank holder force (BHF), drawbead parameters, was implemented to obtain the appropriate range of the parameter value and a glimpse of influence on deep drawing process. On this basis, multi-factor orthogonal method was adopted to acquire the optimal parameter combination and difference in significant degree of drawing parameters on deep drawing forming. Finally, the optimum deep drawing scheme was concluded, providing reference for deep drawing process design for aluminum parts manufacturing.

    Keywords  irregular aluminum alloy box   Dynaform   deep drawing orthogonal

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 研究内容和目标 2

    1.4 本文组织结构 3

    2 铝合金不规则盒形件拉深成形的理论分析 4

    2.1 铝合金不规则盒形件拉深的变形特点 4

    2.2 影响铝合金不规则盒形件拉深成形的因素 6

    2.3 铝合金不规则盒形件拉深成形的主要缺陷及解决措施 9

    2.4 本章小结 11


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