


    关键词 空气压缩机 减振 降噪 结构设计


    Title  Structure design of medical air compressor about noise and vibration

    Abstract Vibration of construction machinery can not only easily destroy the structural strength of construction machinery, causing structural noise, but also directly act on the equipment, buildings and human, resulting in a lot of adverse consequences. For example, vibration acting on the building makes building cracking, deformation until the collapse. The abnormal of aircraft engines and wings would cause serious flight accidents. And noise will not only interfere with people’s normal work, but also seriously damage to human health. Vibration and noise reduction is now the technical difficulty of mechanical design.

    This article is the application of vibration and noise reduction technology in the medical air compressor. Optimize the structure of the air compressor to reduce vibration and noise. We analysis sources and distribution of the noise with the spectrum analyzer. We make appropriate program of structural improvement, combined with the theory of vibration and noise control technology,and build a 3D Model. Then calculation to determine the structure and size of air compressor and materials. Finally, further optimize the structure by the results of the analysis of vibration and noise reduction.

    Keywords: Air Compressor, vibration, noise, structural design


    1  序言 1

    1.1  医用空气压缩机减振降噪的现状 1

    1.2  医用空气压缩机减振降噪存在的问题 2

    2.  医用空气压缩机振动及噪声的分析 4

    2.1  空气压缩机工作原理 4

    2.2  空气压缩机的振动分析 4

    2.3  空气压缩机的噪声分析 5

    3.  医用空气压缩机减振降噪的理论及技术方法 7

    3.1  振动控制理论及技术方法 7

    3.1.1  吸振技术 7

    3.1.2  隔振技术 10

    3.1.3  阻尼减振 11

    3.2   噪声控制理论及技术方法 12

    3.2.1  吸声技术 12

    3.2.2  隔声技术 13

    3.2.3  消声技术 14

    4.  医用空气压缩机减振降噪结构总体方案设计

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