




    Industrial robot system design for automotive shock absorber assembly

    ABSTRACT:As people’s living standards have improved in recent decades,there has been a growing demand for cars.On the other hand,with the development of the technology,more and more robots are being used in the assembly process of various products.And play a very important role.China’s research on  robotic is quite different from other industrialized countries.Therefore,it is necessary to study and design robots for different occasions.This also has practical implications for the application of robots.

    Typical robots include assembly robots,welding robots and spray-painted robots.These types of robots are installed on the assembly line or the processing equipment.The authors read a lot about the industrial robots,and in the case of various types of robot work situations,and design an assembly of six degree of freedom to assemble robots that are fixed to the assembly line for vehicle Shock absorber.

    First,the author analyzes the mechanism of the robot,and the corresponding structure design is carried out in reference to the structure of the robot.There is also a lot of work done on each joint machine drive system.The main part of the assembly robot is the structural design of the mechanical hand part,it has to be flexible,and it has to be able to grab objects of different shapes.In this paper,the author also makes the corresponding design calculation work and accumulates rich experience in the robot joint shaft drive system.

    KeyWords: Robot;Robot grip;Reducer;Control system


    目  录

    1. 绪论.1

    1.1 背景综述1

    1.2 国内外现状.1

    1.3 工业机器人概述2

    1.4 研究课题的提出3

    1.5 本论文研究的主要内容3

    2. 机器人结构方案的生成及机械结构设计.5

    2.1 机器人机械结构设计的特点..5

    2.2 方案的设计.5

    2.3 功能设计与分析5

    2.3.1 方案描述..5

    2.3.2 机器人各关节轴的设计介绍.11

    3. 电动机的选择及减速器的设计15

    3.1 电机的选择.15

    3.1.1 电机选型计算.15

    3.2 减速器的设计..24

    3.2.1 传动比的确定.25

    3.2.2 传动件的设计及校核.27

    4. 控制系统方案的综述..34

    5. 全文总结36

    6. 致谢.37

    7. 参考文献38

    1 绪 论

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