


    毕业论文关键词  双作用液压筒式减振器  相对阻尼系数   流体力学模型  强度校核


    Title   shock absorber design of a special vehicle


    With the continuous development of China’s automobile industry, People’s requirements in comfort and safety have become more sophisticated. And the shock absorber is the main component for suspension system .Its quality have a direct impact on traveling comfort,vehicle handling and stability. The double-acting hydraulic drum shock absorber which applicable to the Special Vehicles is designed in the paper. Hydraulic drum shock absorber is most widely used in the automotive.

    First of all ,the relative damping coefficient of the shock absorber is calculated according to the known conditions . Determine the structure composition and parts size. Finish three-dimensional modeling using solidworks software.And Generation of 2D Engineering Drawing with AutoCAD . Then a hydrodynamic model is set up. Make an assay of valve motion in both drawing stroke and compression stroke using Fluent software. The valve and the department are calculated. At last the strength of the main parts of the shock absorber is checked and the assay of speed characteristics.Complete the design of the entire shock absorber.

    Keywords    Double-acting hydraulic drum shock absorber  Relative damping coefficient    Hydrodynamic model     Strength check 

    1  引言 1

    1.1  本课题设计的目的及意义 1

    1.2  减振器国内外的发展状况和发展趋势 1

    2.减振器阻尼值计算和机械结构设计 3

    2.1  整车参数 3

    2.2相对阻尼系数和阻尼系数的确定 4

    2.2.1悬架弹性特性的选择 4

    2.2.2相对阻尼系数 的选择 4

    2.2.3  减振器阻尼系数 的确定 5

    2.3最大卸荷力 的确定 6

    2.4缸筒的设计计算 7

    2.5 活塞杆的设计计算 7

    2.6活塞行程的确定 8

    2.7液压缸壁厚、缸盖和最小导向长度的计算 9

    2.7.1液压缸的壁厚的计算 9

    2.7.2缸盖厚度的计算 10

    2.7.3最小导向长度的确定 11

    2.8导向套滑动面长度和活塞宽度的设计计算 11

    2.9液压缸结构设计 11


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