



    毕业论文关键词   医用空气压缩机  活塞式  减振降噪  压力  单片机


    Title    The design of the medical air compressor                     



    The article is studying the design of the medical air compressor.It’s aimed at completing the design of the whole structure of compressor.Compressor not only produces the compressed gas to meet the requirements ,but also has a small light body with low sound and micro vibration.In addition,it can monitor and show the parameters of the compressed gas and make sound and light alarm in time according to the abnormal parameters. 

    In terms of theory,the piston is selected as the principle of compressor after discussing between the piston and the vortex type. Then the design of the whole scheme basis on the principle of piston, including compressor key parts design, hardware circuit design and software design.

    Key parts design mainly includes the blower, the compression pump, the storage tanks, the water processor and the overall vibration and noise reduction structure design;Microcomputer 8051 is the core of the hardware circuit design . The temperature, pressure and flow sensor circuit and sound and light alarm circuit are based on it.In software modules,the procedure flow charts of the temperature and pressure are drawn ,along with completing the programming.

    Keywords Medical air compressor,Piston,Vibration decreasing and noise reduction,  Pressure;Single chip microcomputer

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    2  空气压缩机原理 4

    2.1  活塞压缩机 4

    2.2  涡旋压缩机 6

    2.3  医用空气压缩机原理研究选择 7

    3  基于活塞式原理的总体方案设计 9

    3.1  医用空压机一般设计要求 9

    3.2  医用空压机功能和技术参数确定 10

    3.3  医用空压机总体方案系统框图、气路原理图及系统原理图设计 11

    4  医用空气压缩机硬件设计 14

    4.1  风机选型与扇叶设计 14

    4.2  压缩泵选择与管道设计 15

    4.3  储气罐的设计

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