    摘要近年来塑料制品的广泛使用,对塑料制品成型模具的需求也在不断增加,其中是用最多的是注射模具。本论文在此背景下,根据所得到的瓶盖实物结构进行测绘和分析,并设计模具。本文的重点在于讨论瓶盖结构设计,提出一个确定的方案,并一步步对其进行改进和优化。本论文以模具设计理论为基础,采用Mouldflow对浇口的方案进行了分析对比。瓶盖模具设计主要采用了“自上而下”的模块化设计思路。从注射机的选择,模板大小的确定,浇道的设计,到脱螺纹及顶出塑件等各部分进行了设计和计算,同时对脱螺纹以及顶出机构进行了重点分析论述。最终运用Solidworks造型软件做出了模具的结构模型和模具及零件工程图。关键词    注射模具  机构  注射剂  脱螺纹  顶出塑件8605
    Title     Shampoo Flip CAD Design Of Injection Mold   
    Plastic processing and molding technology have been getting more and more important with the widespread use of plastic, and plastic injection molding has been the most common way for polymer processing. Under the background, the structure of the plastic parts was analyzed and the mould was designed here. The design of the die structure was discussed and a set of solution was proposed. After that, it was improved and optimized step by step.
    Based on mold design theory, the gate of the program was analyzed and compared by the Moldflow software. The cap mould was designed by using a top-down design approach. Firstly, the selection of injection machine, size of the mould, design of pouring channel were analyzed and calculated. And the analysis of unscrewing thread and ejecting plastic was the main emphasis. Finally, the die structure model and parts drawing were drawn with the Solidworks software.
    Keywords  Injection molds ,  Structure ,  Injection machine , Unscrewing thread , Ejecting plastic
    目  次
    1引言    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2国内外行业现状    1
    1.3注塑模具设计的关键技术    2
    1.4模具行业发展趋势    4
    1.5本文研究内容    4
    2塑件实物造型与材料选用    5
    2.1测绘造型    5
    2.2塑件材料的选用    6
    3结构方案设计    7
    3.1型腔位置    7
    3.2浇口形式分析    8
    3.3整体布局设计    13
    3.4抽芯方式    13
    4详细结构设计    15
    4.1注射机确定    15
    4.2成型零件    16
    4.3成型零件尺寸计算    18
    4.4排气系统    20
    4.5冷却系统    21
    4.6浇注系统设计    22
    4.7脱模推出机构设计    25
    4.8导向定位系统设计    28
    5模具结构总成    30
    5.1模具总装    30
    5.2开模状态    32
    结  论    33
    致  谢    34
    参考文献    35
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