

    毕业论文关键词  鼠标底座  注射模  模具结构  模具装配


    Title    CAD design of the mouse of the injection mould   


    It was introduced the design process and the points about the injection mould of the bottom of the mouse in this paper, including of the analysis of injection molding, the choice of injection machine, the parameters check, the design of mold general structure and parts, the drawing of mold assembly and parts and so on. The design of mold structure was the key. It included of the selection of molding position and parting surface, the design of gating system, the design of exhaust system, the design of molding parts, the design of guide mechanism  for  punch progression, the design of ejecting mechanism, the design of side core-pulling mechanism and the design of the cooling system. Being checked, the structure of this mould was reasonable and can demould smoothly. The molding of the plastic part could be achieved well and the quality of the plastic parts surface was fine.

    Keywords  bottom of the mouse  the injection mould  the mold structure   the mold assembly

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  塑料及塑料成型 1

    1.2  模具工业的概况 1

    1.3  我国模具技术发展趋势 1

    1.4  计算机技术在注射模中的应用 2

    1.5  毕业设计的目的和意义 2

    2  塑料制件的设计 4

    2.1  塑件的测绘 4

    2.2  塑件的材料 4

    2.3  塑件工艺性与结构分析 5

    2.3.1  尺寸精度 5

    2.3.2  塑件的壁厚 5

    2.3.3  表面粗糙度 6

    2.3.4  拔模斜度 6

    2.3.5  圆角 6

    3  塑件注射模具设计方案的确定 7

    3.1  鼠标座模拟分析 7

    3.1.1  建模 7

    3.1.2  最佳浇口位置 7

    3.1.3  充模时间 8

    3.1.4  气穴 8

    3.1.5  熔接痕 9

    4  注射模具总体设计 10

    4.1  选择注射机 10

    4.2  型腔的确定 10

    4.3  注射机的校核 11

    4.3.1  最大注射量的校核

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