


    Arm mobile robot design

    Abstract:With the exploration of mankind, the single-arm mobile robot has gradually become a very important point in the field of robot in the process of robot's exploration, while other general robots have less adaptability in operating range and complex operation than single-arm moving type robot. In the aviation, risk operations and daily life and many other aspects, the robot must be ready to receive the command issued by wireless communications, and can achieve the desired trajectory, speed and direction.The single-arm mobile robot adds a mobile robot platform on the basis of the universal six-degree-of-freedom manipulator. The operation of the robot is greatly enhanced by this mobile robot platform, which extends the application range of the robot arm. It has strong practical application value.In this paper, the development of mobile robots at home and abroad were introduced, according to the requirements of the proposed single-arm mobile robot overall design. The selection of the driving motor, steering motor and manipulator joint motor of the single-arm mobile robot is carried out. The detailed design and strength checking of the robot are carried out. Finally, the control scheme of single-arm mobile robot is proposed, and the sensor is selected.


    目  录

    1   绪论 1

      1.1课题的背景和意义 1

      1.2单臂移动式机器人国内外研究综述 1

        1.2.1国外研究动态 1

        1.2.2国内研究动态 3

    系统方案 6

      2.1设计的技术要求 6

      2.2按传动方式设计结构 6

        2.2.1整体视图 9

        2.2.2局部视图 11  

      2.3机器人方案 12

    3  结构设计 15

      3.1减速器齿轮的设计 15

        3.1.1功率、转矩和转速的确定 15

        3.1.2减速轴齿轮的计算 16

        3.1.3低速轴齿轮的计算 18

      3.2减速器轴的设计 20

    3.2.1减速器高速轴的设计 20


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