
    摘要: 机器人的起源很早,机器人汇集了机器、电脑、传感仪、控制工程等多门学科于一体,首先得到开发的是工业机器人,而正是因为工业机器人的出现才使得各国的工业快速发展并带动经济的快速发展,如今人力成本升高,服务人员的急缺情况,随着社会发展,是一个国家高科技实力和发展水平的重要标志越来越多的人都不太愿意去做这种低报酬的苦力活动。随着智能机器人技术的迅速发展, 智能机器人的应用领域正在不断扩大, 已经开始进入了餐饮服务行业, 24小时不停止的工作由智能型餐饮服务机器人代替人来完成清洁、搬运、控制、娱乐、养老、照看小孩等各种生活琐事中, 21世纪社会发展的产物服务机器人主要提供的是服务, 进而跟深层次地提高人们的生活质量。目前大学研究室和国家机器人工厂,研究机器人领域,通过对餐饮服务机器人腰部机构的设计,我可以了解整个系统从一般的设计、校核、改进以及到最后的制造工艺,装配等方面的知识,培养自己的实际动手能力。计算那个械原理,机械设计,材料力学,互换性等学科知识,较为全面的掌握机械设计方面的技巧。通过毕业设计可训练我在机械设计方面的技巧,让我清楚的了解到机械产品设计的一般流程,这将为我将来踏上工作岗位奠定坚实可靠的专业基础。在臂部这个部分现在大部分都用的都是连杆机构,而此次我想用齿轮传动装置让传动更加平稳和易于控制。基于着这个我便开始这个头部的本体机构设计,在头部的本体机构设计中,由于是在人群聚集的地方使用,所以要运动平稳,无危险性,所以采用了较为平稳的传动方式,对于头部的两个自由度的设计结构并进行虚拟装配,并且在控制方面要求头部,足部机构链接进行运动,要求整体协调,连贯,才能有更好的体验。本次研究,还能够在运用于服务型场所代替人端盘子,能够与宾客进行语音互动。而这次我的毕业设计选题主要是餐饮服务机器人的腰部和臂部设计。63464

    毕业论文关键词: 餐饮服务;腰部机构;机器人;臂部机构;步进电机

    Design of Arm And Waist mechanism for Catering robot 

    Abstract: The robot's origin is very early, the robot brings together mechanical, computer, sensor, control technology and other disciplines in one, the first is the development of industrial robots, it is precisely because of the emergence of industrial robots that the rapid industrial development and promote economic rapid development, now rising labor costs, service personnel shortage the situation, with the development of society, is an important symbol of national science and technology strength and development level of more and more people are not willing to do the activities of low paid toil. With the rapid development of intelligent robot technology, the application field of intelligent robot is expanding, has begun to enter the food service industry, the work does not stop for 24 hours by the intelligent service robots instead of people to complete the cleaning, handling, control, entertainment, pension, child care and other trifles in daily life, service robot can not provide services and provide the production, it can improve the quality of people's lives. At present, university research laboratories and the national robot factory, research field, through the design of the waist mechanism of catering service robot, I can understand the whole system to the final manufacturing process from the general design, verification, improvement and assembly, and other aspects of knowledge, develop their practical ability. Calculate the mechanical principle, mechanical design, material mechanics, exchange of knowledge and other disciplines, a more comprehensive grasp of the skills of mechanical design. Through graduation design can train my skills in mechanical design, let me clearly understand the general process of mechanical product design, which will set a solid foundation for my future work to lay a solid foundation. In this part of the arm is now mostly used in the linkage, and this time I would like to use the gear transmission device to make the transmission more stable and easy to control. Based on this I began to design the head of the body, in the design of the head of the body, because it is used in crowded places, so the movement is steady, there is no danger, so the transmission is relatively stable, and virtual assembly design for the structure of two degrees of freedom of the head, and head in control, foot mechanism of link movement, overall coordination, coherence, in order to have a better experience. This study, also can be used in the service place instead of the human side dishes, to be able to interact with the guests. And this time I graduated from the design of food and beverage service robot is mainly the waist and arm design.

  1. 上一篇:单臂移动式机器人设计+CAD图纸
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