


    毕业论文关键词  冷冲压模具  落料模  弯曲模 


    Title    Cold stamping die design    


    My graduating design is a mold. Mold’s plate material is mainly obtained by separation or parts of the processing method of forming.  Because mold production is mainly large volume production,

    And the products can ensure the dimensional accuracy and product quality, 

    Mold design and manufacture the main consideration to the mold design process of the workpiece can meet the design,

    Whether can it processes qualified parts,And subsequent maintenance and storage is reasonable or not ,and so on.

    In this design, the two molds, not only to consider to make the parts made to meet the job requirements, but also to ensure that its service life. 

    Second, the design should take into account its actual working environment and design tasks that must be completed,After using the guide pillar mold mold, oriented high accuracy, can feed around, pick and place convenient workpiece.

    In this design ,I have to consider a lot about my knowledge of mold design, including its use of occasions, appearance requirements, from here you can know the mold design is a very complex task, so the design should be continously improved until it can meet the requirements .

    Keywords  Cold stamping die  Blanking die  Flexural modulus

    1  序言 1

    1.1  毕业设计的任务要求 1

    1.2  毕业设计的技术途径 2

    1.2.1  搜集必要的资料 2

    1.2.2  冲压工艺性分析 2

    1.2.3  确定合理的冲压工艺方案 2

    1.2.4  确定模具结构形式 3

    1.2.5  进行必要的工艺计算 4

    1.2.6  模具总体设计 4

    2  工艺设计 5

    2.1  工艺性分析 5

    2.1.1  材料分析 5

    2.1.2  结构分析 5

    2.2  工艺路线设计 5

    2.2.1  坯展开 5

    2.2.2  方案确定 6

    3  落料模设计 6

    3.1  落料模总体方案 6

    3.2  工艺计算

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