


    毕业论文关键字 注塑模具 垂直分模 一模多腔 


    Title  The motorcycle controls a hand handle to note a molding tool design        


    In this design according to the production demand of some motorcycle control box, just analyze to the motorcycle control hand handle craft of foundation up, complete the structure, size, accuracy etc. analysis design of spare parts first, then design a motorcycle control hand handle to inject to take shape a molding tool, and complete the establishment that the molding tool processes craft regulations. The molding tool can carry out one mold two chamber productions and pass the side takes out  organization to carry out a perpendicular cent mold to the type in cent, adoption push a pole to release an organization realization to take off mold process.

    The motorcycle control hand handle designed molding tool wants the quality that can satisfy molding tool work status to request, while using safety dependable, easy to maintain, have to shorterly model a period while noting  to model, have longer service life after modeling, have the reasonable molding tool manufacturing craft. The finished product plastics piece can satisfy an use request, shape beauty, for daily the use provide convenience.


    1.绪论 5

    2.塑料件设计 6

    2.1塑料制品分析 6

    2.2注射机的选择 7

    3.模具总体方案设计 8

    4.注塑模具详细设计 10

    4.1 注塑机的校核 10

    4.2成型零部件设计 12

    4.3浇注系统设计 17

    4.4脱模机构设计 19

    4.5导向与定位机构设计 21

    4.6侧向分型与抽芯机构 22

    4.7温度调节系统设计 26

    5.模具零件的加工工艺设计 27

    5.1模具设计过程 27

    5.2模具加工工艺分析 30

    总结 38

    致谢 39

    参考文献 40



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